Beverley Acres German Mills Creek Erosion Control Project

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), in partnership with the Region of York, is undertaking an erosion control project to protect sanitary infrastructure along German Mills Creek, in the City of Richmond Hill. 

Thank you to those that have attended the Public Information Centre and submitted comments.  The comment period has now closed and your comments are being reviewed by the Project Team.

The Project File report will be published in Summer 2024.

Learn more about the project

Project Background

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, in partnership with the Regional Municipality of York, is initiating a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) to identify and implement an erosion control solution for sanitary infrastructure protection.

The study area includes municipal lands and easements along German Mills Creek, between Major Mackenzie Drive East and Palmer Avenue, in City of Richmond Hill.

Erosion and natural hazards are placing sanitary sewer infrastructure at risk from erosion along a portion of German Mills Creek in the Beverley Acres community. The existing erosion control structures lining the channel are at the end of their lifespan and are in need of replacement.

The MCEA will evaluate a range of channel stabilization and restoration options for sanitary infrastructure protection.

The study will also consider secondary opportunities to mitigate risks to adjacent public infrastructure and private property, and to preserve and enhance the ecological health and integrity of the study area.

A woody debris jam is obstructing the channel upstream of a storm water outfall.
Erosion and debris jams are placing above and below ground infrastructure at risk. Source: TRCA, 2023.
The creek has eroded behind the existing erosion control structures lining the channel at several locations. Source: TRCA, 2023.
Existing erosion control structures have failed at several locations leading to erosion of the channel bed and banks. Source: TRCA, 2023.

The MCEA Process

The Project is being planned under Schedule B of the MCEA process (October 2000, as amended 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2023), which is the approved process for this type of undertaking.

As part of the MCEA, the study will develop and explore a range of potential alternative solutions for the identified Project Area.

Read a general overview of environmental assessments.

The MCEA process outlines the steps required to determine the preferred solution for addressing flood and erosion hazards while minimizing environmental impacts.

As part of the process, several alternative solutions are presented for a project and each alternative undergoes detailed technical evaluation as well as public review and consultation.

The goal of this review process is to identify a preferred solution that offers the best means to protect infrastructure against flooding and erosion, while mitigating other impacts that may result from the Project.

Scope of Work

The scope of work for the MCEA will include the development of several alternatives and the selection of a preferred alternative for each of the study areas included in the Project.

As part of the scope of work, TRCA will do the following:

  • Collect and review baseline environmental data
  • Establish a Community Liaison Committee (CLC), and host two (2) virtual CLC meetings
  • Develop alternative solutions for the study area
  • Evaluate the environmental impacts of each of the alternative solution and select the preferred alternative for each of the study areas
  • Host public engagement events to receive comments and feedback on the proposed solutions, including a virtual & in-person Public Information Centre (PIC)
  • Prepare and file a Project File that documents the process and reviews the impacts of each of the preferred alternatives.

Following completion of the MCEA process as outlined above, the Project will proceed to detailed design development and permitting as funding availability allows.

Public Consultation

The MCEA process guarantees opportunities for public and stakeholder participation throughout the planning stages of a project.

Public input is a fundamental part of the planning and design process for this Project and TRCA will be inviting members of the community to participate in this study through public and stakeholder engagement.

Public Information Centre

In-Person Public Information Centre 

  • An in-person Public Information Centre was hosted on April 22nd. Thank you to everyone who participated.
  • If you missed this opportunity, please see the Virtual Public Open House for more information

Virtual Public Open House

Thank You for Sharing Your Comments With Us!

Thanks you to those who completed the PIC comment and feedback form. Your comments will assist us in selecting the preferred alternatives. Feedback will be incorporated into the final designs for the Beverley Acres German Mills Creek Erosion Control Project. 



Timing Details
October 2023 Project Initiation – Notice of Commencement
Fall 2023 Prepare Baseline Environmental Inventory and Problem Statement
October 2023 Establish Community Liaison Committee (CLC); CLC Meeting #1: October 26, 2023 – Identification of the MCEA process, Problem Statement and Baseline Environmental Inventory
Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 Identification and evaluation of alternative solutions
Spring 2024 Present concepts and environmental impact analysis for comment at CLC and PIC meetings; CLC Meeting #2: March 27, 2024; PIC Meeting: April 22, 2024
Spring 2024 – Summer 2024 Prepare the MCEA Project File to document impact analysis and public consultation
Summer 2024 Post the Project File for 30 days public review


TRCA will distribute the following notices throughout the Class EA process:

Notice of Commencement: Issued when the Project is initiated and includes invitation to the public to participate in the Project.

Advertising of public engagement events, including Public Information Centre (PIC).

Notice of Completion: Issued when the study is completed and the Project File is submitted for 30-day review period to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP).

Information will be distributed through this website, social media, on-site signage, and digital mailing lists.

Public Consultation Documents:

MCEA documents will be available for viewing here following publication.

Notice of Commencement:

CLC Meeting #1 Material:

CLC Meeting #2 Material:

Public Information Centre:

Project Updates:

April 3, 2024:

An in-person Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on April 22nd, 2024 from 6-8pm at the Bayview Hill Community Centre & Pool – Program Room, 114 Spadina Road, Richmond Hill.

Visit the Virtual Public Open House to take a self-guided review of the project. 


March 18, 2024:

CLC Meeting #2 was held virtually on March 27th, 2024 from 4-6pm.


January 29, 2024:

Notice of Sampling

Geotechnical samples were collected at select sites along the creek banks to inform the environmental assessment and detailed design development. A small crew used light-duty machinery and tools to collect samples over a one-week period, as weather conditions permitted. Access to all homes and buildings was maintained during these operations and there was no impact to water or wastewater services.


October 18, 2023:

CLC Meeting #1 was held virtually on October 26th, 2023 from 4-6pm.

An invitation letter was issued to properties adjacent to the watercourse


October 2, 2023:

Contact Us

Have questions? Want to join the project mailing list? Please contact:

Philip Wolfraim, Senior Manager 
Erosion Risk Management
Restoration & Infrastructure
(365) 566-2383