Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), in partnership with the City of Toronto, completed maintenance works on existing shoreline erosion control structures along Lake Ontario within Long Branch Park to protect against the hazards of shoreline erosion and address public safety concerns.
Project Location
The project area is in Long Branch Park along Lake Promenade at the base of Long Branch Avenue, in the City of Toronto. The area of concern includes an armourstone headland and revetment located along the north shore of Lake Ontario.
Scope of Work
- Start Date: September 2020
- End Date: August 2021
Significant weather events, including record high lake levels in 2017 and 2019, as well as severe waves from the April 14-15, 2018 wind storm event, worsened the deteriorating condition of existing shoreline erosion control structures. The purpose of the maintenance work was to install a new armourstone revetment to provide long-term erosion control in order protect the shoreline from wind and wave activity and ensure public safety. The scope of work included:
- Site preparation, including installation of Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) measures and construction fencing, establishment of staging/stockpiling areas, removal of trees and building of access roads
- Removal of existing stone material along the shoreline
- Installation of a new armourstone revetment using existing and new stone material
- Site restoration including tree and shrub plantings