Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), in partnership with the City of Toronto, conducted major maintenance along the shore of Rotary Peace Park. As a result of the work, TRCA was able to repair the shoreline erosion control structure that protects the park.
Project Location
The project area is located in Rotary Peace Park, south of Lake Shore Drive, in Etobicoke, City of Toronto. The area of concern is located at the southern end of Rotary Peace Park, on the north shore of Lake Ontario.
Scope of Work
- Start Date: July 12, 2018
- Completion Date: July 17, 2019
The Rotary Peace Park Shoreline Project was considered high priority because the erosion of the backshore was encroaching on the public path, creating a public safety hazard. The scope of work included:
- Removal of the existing structure
- Installation of the new armourstone structure
- Installation of a vegetated drainage swale behind the revetment
- Site restoration, including tree and shrub plantings