Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), in partnership with the City of Toronto, is implementing slope stabilization construction works in the rear yards and Westview Greenbelt behind privately-owned residential properties along Ridge Point Crescent, City of Toronto. The purpose of the Project is to provide long-term, low maintenance protection to at-risk properties. This work will help to ensure resilient watersheds and contribute to the protection of public greenspace.
Project Location
The Project site is located in Olympia Park (City of Toronto) and the Westview Greenbelt (TRCA), southeast of the intersection of Lawrence Avenue West and Black Creek Drive, and includes several privately-owned properties along the top of slope south of Ridge Point Crescent.
Black Creek is located within the valley behind Ridge Point Crescent.
Learn More About the Project
Project Background
Slope stability issues behind 19 – 31 Ridge Point Crescent were first reported to TRCA by residents after the July 8, 2013 severe storm event, which resulted in significant storm flows, flooding, and damage to riverine and valley systems across the Greater Toronto Area. Ongoing erosion and slope instability has created a risk to privately owned property and public safety.
Based on the visual assessment of the site completed by Terraprobe Inc. in 2013, TRCA retained Cole Engineering Group Ltd to conduct a detailed slope stability and erosion risk assessment in 2015. The findings of the assessment identified that there is long-term risk of additional slope failure and that remedial works are recommended to provide long-term protection.
In order to address this risk, TRCA initiated the Ridge Point Crescent Slope Stabilization Project (the “Project”) to provide long-term, low maintenance protection to at-risk essential structures adjacent to and within the Project area. In 2018, TRCA initiated a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA), planned in accordance with Conservation Ontario’s Class Environmental Assessment for Remedial Flood and Erosion Control Projects (amended 2013), the approved process for this type of undertaking.

In accordance with the Class EA process, the first point of public contact occurred with the publication of the Notice of Intent in the North York Mirror on February 8, 2018. Notices were sent to First Nations, community groups, homeowners in the vicinity of the project site, and government regulatory agencies including Conservation Ontario (CO).

TRCA hosted a Community Liaison Committee (CLC) meeting for interested project partners on November 14, 2018 to present the findings of the geotechnical investigation and preferred alternative solutions to provide long-term protection for 19 – 31 Ridge Point Crescent, in the City of Toronto.
Evaluation of remedial slope treatment alternatives led to the identification of Alternative 4: Vertical Solution as the preferred alternative for the Ridge Point Crescent Slope Stabilization Project. TRCA retained a geotechnical engineering consultant in June 2018 through a competitive Request for Proposals to prepare detailed designs for the preferred treatment alternative.
TRCA issued a Notice of Filing and filed a Project Plan on December 19, 2019. Following a 30-day public review period a Notice of Project Approval was issued on February 14, 2020. Engineered detailed designs were finalized in February 2024 and a Notice of Construction issued in August 2024.
Scope of Work
The objective of this project is to protect at-risk participating privately-owned properties along Ridge Point Crescent, City of Toronto, from valley slope instability and erosion hazards.
Through 2024, TRCA:
- Finalized detailed designs for the chosen slope stabilization treatment
- Secured required permits & approvals and agreements for construction
- Awarded the contract for construction of the slope stabilization treatment
Construction Information
Construction commenced October 2024 and is anticipated for completion in spring 2025.
Work hours will generally be Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For your safety, please respect all posted construction signs and stay clear of the work area.
Deliveries via Olympia Drive will occur during working hours. Please obey signage and site personnel.
Public Notices
Progress Updates
January 2025:
Construction commenced October 2024 and is tentatively scheduled for completion in spring 2025, including comprehensive restoration via native shrub and tree planting.
Contact Us
For more information regarding this project, please contact:
Daniel Dyce, Project Manager
Erosion Risk Management
Restoration & Infrastructure
Phone: (647) 426-4498