Burnhamthorpe SNAP

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), City of Mississauga and Region of Peel have worked with local residents and businesses to develop the Burnhamthorpe SNAP.

This action-oriented plan will help implement Mississauga’s Climate Change Action Plan, Living Green initiatives, helping the community to become more sustainable, and more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

About the Burnhamthorpe SNAP Community

The Burnhamthorpe SNAP community is located within the City of Mississauga, Region of Peel. The area is bound by Bloor Street West in the south, Eastgate Parkway and Mississauga’s future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor in the north, Dixie Road in the west, and the Etobicoke Creek (west branch) in the east.

panoramic view of the Burnhamthorpe SNAP neighbourhood

panoramic view of the Burnhamthorpe SNAP neighbourhood

It is a large community with a diverse population of more than 21,000 people, ranging in age, family size, ethnicity and income.

The study area is made up of many smaller established neighbourhoods with different types of housing, including single and semi-detached homes, townhomes and high-rise buildings. There are also commercial strip plazas and malls, a community centre, a library, schools, places of worship and many beautiful parks and trails.

aerial view of Burnhamthorpe SNAP neighbourhood

About the Plan

The Burnhamthorpe SNAP action plan supports environmental resilience and active lifestyles over three major areas of focus:

  • Residential Resilience through lot level stormwater and energy actions.
  • Food-Tower Connection for food security and greater neighbourhood connections through local food production.
  • Occupying the Street by creating greener, more vibrant streets over time.

montage of images from the Burnhamthorpe SNAP community


Stay Connected


Find out what’s been going on with Burnhamthorpe SNAP by checking out back issues of the newsletter:

Contact Information

Do you live or work in this neighbourhood? Get involved!

We want to get local residents and businesses involved! We will be holding community meetings, events, and fun local activities. Come out and meet your neighbours!

Check back regularly for information about news and events taking place in Burnhamthorpe SNAP.

Got questions? Contact:

Justyna Braithwaite
Project Manager, SNAP Projects

In Partnership With:

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