Heritage Hills Parkette

The Heritage Hills Parkette was revitalized as part of the West Bolton SNAP project.

Approximately 100 square metres of underutilized asphalt was removed, transforming the area into a vibrant growing space for native plants.

A total of 625 plants, including trees, shrubs, and wildflowers were installed across the parkette, improving stormwater absorption, supporting pollinators, and beautifying the local neighbourhood.

This is the first completed node of the West Bolton SNAP Action Plan and is part of the planned Memory Lane walk. Memory Lane walk is characterized as a passive walk that places emphasis on intergeneration interactions and nature interpretation.

Heritage Hills Parkette in Caledon before the West Bolton SNAP depaving project
Heritage Hills Parkette in Caledon after the removal of asphalt
volunteer garden stewards plant native shrubs and wildflowers in Heritage Hills Parkette
Heritage Hills Parkette in Caledon after completion of the West Bolton SNAP depaving project

This project is a collaboration between Ecosource, the Town of Caledon and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program (SNAP), additionally funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

garden steward volunteers taking part in West Bolton SNAP depaving project at Heritage Hills Parkette in Caledon

Thank you to our garden steward volunteers (pictured above) for assisting in the planting and helping maintain the new wildflower gardens until they can establish.

If you would like to join the garden steward volunteers please email Justyna Braithwaite at justyna.braithwaite@trca.ca.

You can improve stormwater management and support pollinators at home, too! Find ideas, tips, and programs to help.


For more information, please contact:
Justyna Braithwaite | (437)-880-2409 | justyna.braithwaite@trca.ca