Pocket SNAP Community Workshop – Participant Survey Home » Conservation » Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program (SNAP) » SNAP Neighbourhood Projects » The Pocket SNAP » Pocket SNAP Community Workshop – Participant Survey Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Your name:(Required) First Last Your email address:(Required) 1. How would you describe your readiness to undertake a home retrofit project? Please select the best fit:(Required) a) Explorer: You are exploring the idea of a home retrofit, but you need more information. b) Committed: You are very interested in doing a home retrofit and are ready to proceed. 2. Please let us know about any locations in your neighbourhood where you think street improvements are needed:Please consider beautification (i.e. art, landscaping, etc.) and/or or safety improvements (i.e. drainage issues, pedestrian improvements, traffic calming, etc.). Please share the location and details of what you think is needed at that location. You may share more than one location. CAPTCHA