Stakeholder Committee

The Stakeholder Committee is an important component of the overall consultation program for the Scarborough Waterfront Project.

The Stakeholder Committee is comprised of various interest groups, with the goal of helping the Project Team understand different perspectives and address various opportunities and issues that arise. The Stakeholder Committee is a non-political advisory body that provides insights and perspectives to the EA Project Team.

Current Scarborough Waterfront Project’s Stakeholder Committee members include:

  • Bluffers Park Boating Federation
  • Bluffs Performance
  • Cathedral Bluffs Yacht Club
  • Centennial College
  • Centennial Community & Recreation Association
  • Cycle Toronto
  • Elected officials
  • First Nations
  • Friends of the Guild Park & Gardens
  • Guild Renaissance Group
  • Guildwood Village Community Association
  • Highland Creek Green Team
  • Local Residents
  • Park People
  • Parkcrest Tenants Association
  • Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate Institute
  • Toronto Field Naturalists
  • Toronto Ornithological Club
  • Toronto Police
  • Waterfront Regeneration Trust

Click on the below boxes to view how the Stakeholder Committee was consulted for both the Environmental Assessment and Terms of Reference phases.

Stakeholder Committee Consultation for the Environmental Assessment

Stakeholder Committee EA Meeting #3 – June 14, 2017

On June 14, 2017, the Project Team hosted the third Stakeholder Committee Meeting of the Environmental Assessment phase of the Scarborough Waterfront Project.

The purpose of the meeting was to review material to be presented at the Public Information Centre #3 (PIC), including the refined preferred alternative and results of the detailed assessment. Members of the committee provided feedback directly to the Project Team. Comments received are being used to revise materials to be  presented at the next PIC.

CLICK HERE to review information available on the original preferred alternative to understand the refinements made since June 28, 2016.

Stakeholder Committee EA Meeting #2 – June 2, 2016

On June 2, 2016, the Project Team hosted the second Stakeholder Committee Meeting of the Environmental Assessment phase of the Scarborough Waterfront Project. The purpose of the meeting was to present and seek feedback on the Draft Evaluation Results. Members of the committee participated in round table discussions and provided feedback directly to the Project Team. Comments received by the Project Team were used to shape the materials presented at the following Public Information Centre (PIC).

Stakeholder Committee EA Meeting #1 – January 14, 2016

The first Stakeholder Committee meeting for the Scarborough Waterfront Project was held on January 14, 2015. This meeting was the first engagement with the Stakeholder Committee as part of the Environmental Assessment phase of the project.

The primary purpose of the meeting was to preview the materials and format for the first Public Information Centre (PIC) for the Environmental Assessment phase. Through this preview of draft panel displays, a dry-run of the presentation, and discussion of the meeting format for the PIC, Stakeholder Committee members were given an opportunity to provide feedback on the upcoming public session while providing their own input on Alternatives and Evaluation Criteria/Indicators.

Discussions with the Committee during the meeting yielded a number of comments on individual alternatives. Significant feedback was also received on the presentation and panel format and how best to communicate content to the public. The feedback from the Stakeholder Committee, as in prior meetings, was very helpful for the project team. Incorporation of this feedback led to improvements in how complex information was communicated to the public.

Stakeholder Committee Preliminary Alternatives Workshop – September 23, 2015

An optional Stakeholder Committee workshop for the Scarborough Waterfront Project was held on September 23, 2015. The meeting presented an opportunity for Committee members to learn about and provide feedback on the Preliminary Draft Alternatives for the Project. The goal of the meeting was to ensure that all reasonable alternatives were put forward for consideration.

The Alternatives presented included potential connections along the top, connections along the bottom and connection between the top and bottom of the bluffs.