Recognizing the heritage value of the archaeological resources on its lands, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has prepared an Archaeological Master Plan that documents archaeological sites and makes recommendations for the proper management of these resources.
New sites and other cultural heritage landscapes continue to be found every year, and along with that, new educational opportunities offered to enhance local knowledge.
About TRCA’s Archaeology Program
The archaeological community has long recognized that the unique riverine association of TRCA lands provides an unlimited potential for our lands to hold archaeological resources.
In 1988, TRCA adopted The Archaeological Heritage Strategy as an integrated component of the Greenspace Plan for the Greater Toronto Region.
The intent of this program is to present a balanced and integrated program of inventory, management and interpretation for archaeological heritage resources.
TRCA’s Archaeological Resource Management Program comprises two main components: Education and Resource Management.
Indigenous Engagement
TRCA’s jurisdiction contains many overlapping Traditional territories and Treaty areas relating to Anishnaabe, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, and Métis nations.
As a result, TRCA lands contain hundreds of known ancestral archaeological sites as well as high potential for many hundreds more.
TRCA’s in-house licensed archaeologists regularly communicate two-way information with the modern descendant communities of the people who occupied these past site locations, particularly when there is the need to investigate a site during an Archaeological Assessment.
For more information about the engagement process, contact Kathryn Brown at or call (416) 661-6600.
TRCA has formulated Engagement Guidelines to obtain guidance on stewardship and management decisions within the archaeological assessment process and other TRCA land management processes.
TRCA’s Engagement Guidelines (approved at Authority Board meeting #6/15 on June 26, 2015), outline and provide guidance on TRCA’s commitment to growing our relationships with Anishinaabe, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, and Métis communities, whether through informal partnerships or formal engagement for TRCA projects subject to legislation requiring engagement.
TRCA’s overall aim is to develop a positive relationship with communities whose interests may be impacted by TRCA projects, through a process of meaningful, mutually respectful engagement.
- Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
- Ontario Heritage Trust
- York Region District School Board
- Durham Catholic District School Board
- Royal Ontario Museum
- Ontario Association of Professional Archaeologists
- Ontario Archaeological Society
- York University