Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Project Environmental Assessment

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and City of Brampton are working together to find ways of protecting downtown Brampton from future flood events while also unlocking the potential for revitalizing the downtown core.

TRCA, on behalf of and in cooperation with City of Brampton, has commenced the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Project Environmental Assessment (DBFP EA).

Downtown Brampton is located within a flood-vulnerable area and is subject to land use development restrictions set by the Province of Ontario. The goal of the DBFP EA is to identify a preferred Alternative Solution that will reduce flood risk to the downtown core, while considering opportunities for revitalization and ecological benefits.


The Environmental Study Report (ESR) for the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Class Environmental Assessment (DBFP EA) was completed and submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP) in June 2020. The ESR was available for public and agency review between June 4, 2020 and August 3, 2020. Following conclusion of MECP review of the EA, all requirements of the Class EA process have been fulfilled and the EA is now approved. Pending Council approval and direction to proceed, the project may now enter the next stage which is detailed design.




Project Background

Downtown Brampton lies within the regulatory flood plain of the Etobicoke Creek and has been long identified as a flood-vulnerable area, representing a risk to life, property and critical infrastructure.

This drone footage of Etobicoke Creek shows its course through Brampton today:

Until the mid-20th century, Etobicoke Creek flowed directly through downtown Brampton. Severe floods occurred frequently, in some cases causing loss of life and serious damage to the downtown core.

This led to the construction, in 1952, of a concrete bypass channel designed to divert the creek to the east. This channel would help to lessen the impact of Hurricane Hazel on downtown Brampton just two years later.

archival photos of Etobicke Creek in Brampton

Nevertheless, up to 31 hectares of land in downtown Brampton today is still vulnerable to flooding during extreme (or “regulatory”) storm events. It is, in fact, the fourth-most flood-vulnerable area in TRCA’s jurisdiction.

Accordingly, the provincial government has designated downtown Brampton as Special Policy Area #3, or SPA 3.

Between 2013 and 2018, City of Brampton and TRCA conducted feasibility studies that have identified possibilities for eliminating flood hazards and, ultimately, removing the SPA designation.

The Phase 1 feasibility study can be found here.

The Phase 2 feasibility study can be found here and figures can be found here.

Some Helpful Definitions

What is a Special Policy Area?

“Special Policy Area” is a land use planning designation. It acknowledges that there is already development in a flood-vulnerable area, and that only limited changes can be made to the development in the flood plain.

What is a Flood Plain?

A flood plain is the area beside a watercourse that would be covered in water by a flood event.

What is a Regulatory Flood?

The terms “Regulatory Flood” refers to the extent of flooding that would occur if a storm the size of Hurricane Hazel (the largest storm on record in southern Ontario) falls over an area.

About Brampton Riverwalk

Completion of the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection project EA is a critical step towards achieving the RIVERWALK – a transformative opportunity for the City of Brampton to envision a revitalized future downtown core.

artist rendering of Brampton Riverwalk
Artist’s rendering of Brampton Riverwalk. Courtesy of City of Brampton.

Riverwalk’s overarching goal is to create a healthy, sustainable and resilient downtown Brampton. The first step is to develop, through the DBFP EA, an innovative solution to flood risk that will enhance and protect the natural, social and economic environment.

• You can learn more about Riverwalk HERE.

• Take a virtual tour of Riverwalk HERE.


Project Updates


*Please note that the review period will be extended to August 3, 2020 as noted in the Environmental Study Report. Any Part II Order requests submitted by August 3, 2020 will be honoured.

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), in partnership with the City of Brampton (the City), has undertaken the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Environmental Assessment (DBFP EA). The DBFP EA final ESR is now available for review and comment from June 4, 2020 to August 2, 2020*.

Please visit the EA Documents section.

* Please note that any Part II Order requests submitted by August 3, 2020 will be honoured.



Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), in partnership with the City of Brampton (the City), has undertaken the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Environmental Assessment (DBFP EA). The DBFP EA draft ESR is now available for review and comment from January 30, 2020 to February 28, 2020.

Please visit the EA Documents section.



The third Public Information Centre took place for the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection EA project – a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Schedule C) Project.

Please visit the Meeting Materials & Notices section.



The second Public Information Centre took place for the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection EA project – a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Schedule C) Project. The PIC presented the evaluation of Alternative Solutions and the Preliminary Preferred Alternative Solution.

To review the materials presented at the PIC, please visit the Meeting Materials & Notices section.



The first Public Information Centre introduced the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection EA project – a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Schedule C) Project. The PIC also introduced the current conditions, a preliminary set of Alternative Solutions and the proposed criteria that will be used to evaluate the Alternative Solutions.

For those who are interested in the project but were unable to attend, City of Brampton has posted a video of the full session:

To review the materials presented at the PIC, please visit the Meeting Materials & Notices section.

Follow us @TRCA_News


Meeting Materials & Notices

Final Environmental Study Report Review: June 4, 2020 – August 2, 2020*

*Please note that the review period will be extended to August 3, 2020 as noted in the Environmental Study Report. Any Part II Order requests submitted by August 3, 2020 will be honoured.

Draft Environmental Study Report Review: January 30, 2020 – February 28, 2020

Public Information Centre #3: December 5, 2019

Public Information Centre #2: May 30, 2019

Public Information Centre #1: November 7, 2018

Downtown Brampton Flood Risk: Google Earth Video:

Notice of Commencement: August 23, 2018


EA Documents

Final Environmental Study Report: June 4, 2020 – August 2, 2020*

*Please note that the review period will be extended to August 3, 2020 as noted in the Environmental Study Report. Any Part II Order requests submitted by August 3, 2020 will be honoured.

Draft Environmental Study Report: January 30, 2020 – February 28, 2020