Nature-Based Climate Solutions Siting Tool

The Nature-Based Climate Solutions (NBCS) Siting Tool was developed by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and partners with grant funding from the Government of Canada’s Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund.

The NBCS Siting Tool is a high-level screening tool that can help identify strategic locations to focus efforts to protect, restore, and enhance natural features and areas within TRCA’s area of jurisdiction.

Screenshot of the online map viewer for the Nature-Based Climate Solutions Siting Tool
Screenshot of the online map viewer for the Nature-Based Climate Solutions Siting Tool.

This tool brings together a wide range of ecological and socio-economic considerations to prioritize areas that offer the greatest benefits to people, plants, and animals.

As the population of the Toronto region continues to grow and the impacts of climate change continue to accelerate, it is vital to manage our limited supply of land and increase the use of nature-based solutions.

NBCS Siting Tool Story Map

Explore our interactive story map to learn more about the Nature-Based Climate Solutions Siting Tool, interact with the prioritization results, and find out how these results can be used to help protect, restore, and enhance our natural environment.

Select the image below to open up the story map in a new tab.

a screenshot of the Nature Based Climate Solutions Siting Tool story map

Public Launch Webinar Recording

The Nature-Based Climate Solutions Siting Tool was launched through a public knowledge-sharing webinar in March 2024, with more than 200 people in attendance.

Thank you to all who participated in our virtual event, which featured a presentation of the tool, a live demonstration of the story map and map viewers, and a Q&A discussion with the project team.


Go Deeper

Our technical report provides more information about how the tool was developed.



For more information about the Nature-Based Climate Solutions Siting Tool, please contact TRCA’s Watershed Planning and Ecosystem Science team: