Green Infrastructure Asset Management Planning

Asset management planning is a process that strategically manages infrastructure assets to ensure they provide expected services, minimize risks, and keep costs low.

Traditionally, it focused on “grey” assets like roads and sewage pipes, but now includes “green” assets such as green roofs, trees and forests, and watercourses too.

low impact development assets
low impact development assets
urban forest assets

About Asset Management Planning

In Ontario, O. Reg 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure encourages municipal asset management plans to include green infrastructure assets.

This offers an opportunity to prioritize both green and traditional infrastructure assets in decision making.

bioretention system

Asset Management Projects


Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is involved in various projects to support municipalities in incorporating green infrastructure into their asset management plans.

We estimate the value and replacement costs of natural assets, such as street trees and shrubs, forests, wetlands, meadows, and watercourses.

We also conduct risk assessments, develop levels of service metrics, and identify lifecycle management activities for these assets.

urban forest in York Region

Our projects also involve considering climate change throughout the asset management planning process – for example, assessing the climate vulnerability of tree species.

Recently, TRCA worked with the Regional Municipality of York Region to develop a method to estimate the value of natural assets such as forested stands for the updated York Region Green Infrastructure Asset Management Plan.


Applied research plays a crucial role in green infrastructure asset management planning for identifying and improving on best management practices and policies.

For example, TRCA has collaborated with the Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition (GIO), the Southwest Environment Finance Centre (SW EFC), and select Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange members, including City of Toronto and City of Vancouver, on an applied research project to develop a Green Infrastructure Asset Management Planning Toolkit.

Select the thumbnail image below to download a copy of the toolkit.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Asset Management Toolkit

As part of this project, TRCA supported partner municipalities in incorporating one or more stormwater green infrastructure assets into various stages of their asset management plans.

Through these case studies, TRCA beta tested the SW EFC Grey and Green Asset Management Framework, which supported further refinement of the Framework by SW EFC.


TRCA also engages in knowledge transfer by hosting training webinars and creating resource documents for municipal staff and stakeholders interested in green infrastructure asset management planning.

For example, TRCA is working with the Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition to share knowledge and skills about green infrastructure asset management planning with municipal staff and other interested stakeholders by hosting regular training webinars and developing resource documents on the topic.

Webinars offer participants the opportunity to learn about the stages of asset management planning, as well as practical tips and best practices for incorporating green infrastructure into asset management plans.



TRCA Watershed Planning and Ecosystem Science: