Ecohydrology & Feature-Based Water Balance

Applied research into ecohydrology and water balance helps Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) integrate the natural and built environments to promote watershed resilience against further land use and climate change.

wetland area

Applied Research on
Ecohydrology & Feature-Based Water Balance

The quantity and quality of water within hydrologically sensitive natural features, such as wetlands, streams and vernal pools, are often profoundly altered by development and infrastructure. This in turn affects the health and condition of aquatic wildlife and plant communities.

Climate change also impacts the balance of hydrological inputs and outflows for natural features by altering base flow, evapotranspiration, and precipitation patterns.

The research and monitoring work of TRCA’s ecohydrology program supports key corporate and municipal partner objectives for wetland and stream conservation and management.

TRCA Ecosystem and Climate Science team members monitor water quality in local streams
TRCA Ecosystem & Climate Science team members monitor water quality in local streams.

Program activities include:

  • Monitoring wetland water balance and mitigation of development impacts
  • Identifying key performance indicators for restored wetlands
  • Mapping, development, and assessment of vernal pools
  • Researching stormwater management ponds as sources and sinks for biodiversity
  • Linking stormwater to in-stream conditions and aquatic health


TRCA Watershed Planning and Ecosystem Science: