Broadview and Eastern Flood Protection
TRCA, on behalf of and in cooperation with Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto, have formally commenced the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the Broadview and Eastern Flood Protection Project. Located at the intersection of some of the City’s most ambitious infrastructure and development projects, including a future office and retail nexus as well as key transportation initiatives, the Broadview & Eastern Flood Protection Project (BEFP) will seek a solution to address flood vulnerability for an 8 hectare parcel of urban land just east of the Don River and south of Eastern Avenue.
Interested in learning more about this project? TRCA will be hosting a Public Information Centre for the Broadview and Eastern Class Environmental Assessment on Wednesday December 5, 2018.
Don Mouth Naturalization and Port Lands Flood Protection Project
Ultimately the Don Mouth Naturalization Project will transform the existing mouth of the Don River, including the Keating Channel, into a healthier, more naturalized river outlet to the lake, while at the same time, removing the risk of flooding to 230 hectares of urban land to the east and south of the river.
East Don River Bank (South of Finch) Restoration Project
TRCA is preparing to restore a section of riverbank along the East Don River in the East Don Parkland below Alamosa Drive, south of Finch Avenue East and west of Leslie Street. The objective is to restore a section of riverbank where erosion is threatening a formal trail and a buried sanitary sewer pipe.
East Don Trail
The City of Toronto and TRCA are initiating an Environmental Assessment (EA) to create a trail within the East Don Corridor. The proposed trail will provide a key connection along the East Don Corridor between the north end of Charles Sauriol Conservation Area, the Gatineau Trail and the Lower Don Trail system.
Lower Don River West Remedial Flood Protection Project
The Lower Don River West Remedial Flood Protection Project will protect human life and infrastructure from flooding by permanently removing approximately 210 hectares of Toronto from the Regulatory Flood Plain, west and north of the Don River Mouth.
Mud Creek Restoration
TRCA, in partnership with Toronto Water and Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation, is addressing ongoing erosion and woody debris blockages along a section of Mud Creek, a tributary of the Don River, located adjacent to the Evergreen Brick Works.
Wilket Creek Rehabilitation Project
The Wilket Creek Rehabilitation Project will develop a long-term plan for the rehabilitation of the Wilket Creek Tributary of the Don watershed, while focusing on enhancing the ecological integrity of the system in an economical and sustainable manner.