Building a Healthy Connected Bramalea

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is working with local leaders and organizations to facilitate collective action that supports local resilience, well-being, engagement, and sustainability.

About Healthy Connected Bramalea

In support of the Community Resilience recommendations identified by the Bramalea SNAP Action Plan, the Building a Healthy Connected Bramalea program builds on past collective work to kickstart resident-led, action-oriented projects in the community.

Led by TRCA, a network of local community leaders, educators, parents, youth activists, agencies, and service organizations are helping to facilitate several high-impact, signature SNAP revitalization projects, including ecospace parks, streetscapes, and tower revitalization.

Bramalea SNAP neighbourhood residents take part in community engagement event

This program includes the facilitation of monthly network meetings, annual events with resident leadership, local partnership development, and a focus on neighbourhood engagement to support local revitalization projects.

This work is supported by three-year funding from the United Way Greater Toronto Community Programs.

Program Objectives

1. Bramalea Community Network Facilitation:
To help achieve its mandate, strengthen connections between community organizations, provide input and leadership on high impact SNAP revitalization projects including ecospace park design, streetscape, and tower revitalization.

2. Engagement and Influence in Local Decision-making:
Increasing resident and organization influence in local decision-making by engaging community members in SNAP revitalization projects, achieving inclusive and diverse engagement that reaches those facing a risk of poverty and/or other challenges or barriers, involve community in all stages of concept planning, design, implementation, and management to support meaningful initiatives with long term ownership.

Bramalea SNAP residents take part in community planning event

3. Community Connections through Learning and Action:
Building on the SNAP Action Planning process, increasing neighbour connections, nurturing local resident leaders, overall community resilience through asset-based community development approaches, working with residents to deliver events and training workshops based on local interest.

4. Environmental Co-benefits:
Achieving community health and well-being co-benefits through resident participation in healthy built and natural environment initiatives including increased physical activity, access to nature and skills development in urban agriculture, active living, green infrastructure, and nature-based education.

Events and Initiatives

To achieve the program’s objectives, TRCA is partnering with local NGOs, the Bramalea Community Network (BCN), and the community on collective action initiatives and events that support these objectives.

Examples include:

  • Brampton Environmental Alliance and STEPS Public Art: Anti-litter Waste Bin Art Initiative (2022)
  • Families of Virtue: Back to School Community BBQ (2022) and Knightsbridge Entrepreneurship Program for Youth (2023)
  • Ecosource: Community Garden and Garden Club at Knightsbridge Kings Cross apartments (2022-2024)
  • BCN-led Film Screening and Community Event (2024)
  • And more to come!

Bramalea SNAP neighbourhood residents take part in anti-litter waste bin art initiative

Contact Information

Is this your neighbourhood? Get involved in local change!

We want to help get residents and businesses involved! Join us and meet your neighbours at community events, workshops, and fun local activities.

Got questions? Contact:

Justyna Braithwaite
Project Manager, SNAP Projects



United Way Greater Toronto Funded Agency