Program Levels:
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This program explores a number of factors that make up our water systems. It will help students understand why water is crucial to life on earth — and why this valuable resource needs to be managed sustainably.
Students will assess the impact of human activities and technologies on the sustainability of water at home and in the community, and will engage in an activity to learn about the embedded water use in our everyday items.
Students will gain an understanding of water conservation measures that are used at Kortright as they pertain to groundwater, surface water and watersheds in general. They will discuss the water conservation systems that are part of the Archetype Sustainable houses, and will visit a natural wetland where they will dip for invertebrates, many of which are indicator species of wetland health.
Programs always have an outdoor component. Groups should dress for the conditions on the day of their visit. Before your visit, please discuss the importance of dressing appropriately for outdoor activities. On days of inclement weather the program will be modified to include some indoor activities along with the outdoor components.
Full Day, April to October
Curriculum Connections:
- Science and Technology: Matter and Energy – Fluids (Grade 8); Earth and Space – Water Systems (Grade 8)