Albion Hills Field Centre
Claireville Outdoor Education Centre
Claremont Nature Centre
Kortright Centre for Conservation
Lake St. George Field Centre
Nature Centre at Bruce's Mill
Program Levels:
Course Types:
Certification: Advanced Training in a Technique
Designed in partnership with the municipalities of the GTA, this full-day Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) certification will introduce students to the basics of emergency management, including the use of Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs) and the Incident Management System (IMS).
The program will also focus on personal emergency preparedness, demonstrating how to identify, classify, and respond to an emergency situation, and guiding students in the development of a household emergency preparedness plan.
In addition, the program will cover flooding emergencies and water safety in and around rivers and dam structures, using a case study highlighting the impact of Hurricane Hazel in 1954.
Activities for students may include creating their own personal emergency preparedness kits, completing an HIRA (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment) exercise, ranking risk based on factors such as frequency and impact, and participating in an emergency response simulation.
Students will have the program tailored to their home municipality to ensure that the content is relevant to them.
Applicable Sectors:
- Justice, Community Safety & Emergency Services