Bird Study

Facility: Lake St. George Field Centre
Request a Booking
Program Levels:
Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grades 9-12
Course Types:
Day Visit, Overnight

Learners will gain an understanding of and appreciation for the many species of birds that live and migrate through this part of southern Ontario.

Participants are introduced to bird adaptations with hands-on research indoors. They will also learn the basics of identification, noting that sounds, sizes, shapes, colours and habitats can all aid in bird classification.

Eastern Kingbird

Field investigations will utilize bird guides and binoculars, as participants experience a birding expedition around the Lake St. George property.

With the change of seasons, certain bird management activities can be incorporated into the lesson such as winter bird feeding or spring/fall nesting box maintenance and monitoring.

Field centre staff need to be made aware of any participants with nut allergies if planning to hand-feed birds during the winter. Appropriate outdoor clothing

Spring, Fall, Winter

Curriculum Connections:

  • Science and Technology: Habitats and Communities (Grade 4); Biodiversity (Grade 6)