Toronto and Region Conservation’s Environmental Monitoring and Data Management (EMDM) section specializes in the collection and analyses of data related to surface water and groundwater quality and quantity, as well as river morphology and terrestrial and aquatic communities and their associated habitats.
With an interest in furthering the state-of-knowledge on stormwater management issues, the EMDM team has recently expanded its technical expertise to support regional municipalities in monitoring the performance of stormwater management infrastructure in new developments.

Monitoring the effectiveness of stormwater management infrastructure is an important step towards improving the quantity and quality of the runoff that eventually reaches local rivers, streams, and other waterbodies.
Stormwater runoff is considered to be one of the most serious environmental impacts stemming from urban development in Toronto and surrounding regional municipalities. You can learn more about what is being done about regional stormwater management in The Living City© Report Card.

The data we collect provides partner municipalities with the knowledge they need to assess the effectiveness of existing stormwater facilities and the maintenance required, as well as improve facilities’ design and function.
The data are also used by other TRCA departments and our partners to develop supporting tools, guidelines and policies, and to deliver education and training programs related to stormwater management.

Having experience with monitoring both existing stormwater controls as well as new technologies, means TRCA has the technical know-how to work effectively with our partners to further the state-of-knowledge on stormwater management in Toronto and Region.

Through scientific data collection, TRCA’s Environmental Monitoring and Data Management team tell the stories about the changes affecting the natural areas and watercourses within our regions. For more information, please visit our Web page, follow us on Twitter, subscribe to our Monitoring Matters e-newsletter, or visit our YouTube playlist.