At Home With Nature – Homeschool Resources

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) At Home With Nature activity sheets and homeschool resources are designed to help families deepen their knowledge of nature, ecology, the environment, and their place in it.

Click here for online learning resources for Teachers and Schools.

Homeschool Resources:
For Families & Kids


For Kids Only!

Stand up and get some exercise! Come along on a short nature walk with Raya Papaya and explore the outdoors right in your living room – using your imagination!

Watch the Video

Raya Papaya leads youngsters on an indoor nature walk


For Ages 4 to 8

Kids! Explore The Meadoway with Raya Papaya and help her find all kinds of colours there! Will you spot purple petals or a red beetle? Will an orange-winged butterfly make an appearance? Can we find all the colours of the rainbow in a meadow?

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front page of Meadoway Colours At Home with Nature e-learning resource


For Ages 4 to 8

Let Raya Papaya take you on a virtual nature walk through The Meadoway. She’ll show you what there is to discover – and how to discover it in a way that doesn’t hurt the wildlife! Watch the Video.

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front page of TRCA Meadoway Scavenger Hunt e-learning resource


For Ages 6+

Discover the wonders of winter wildlife! Learn how wildlife survive chilly weather and how to recognize their tracks and signs.

Download the Activity Sheet

Animal Detective - Winter Clues - At Home with Nature worksheet


For Ages 6+

Listen to the sounds around you! Learn and discover the bird sounds around your neighbourhood with these fun activities.

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cover page of Bird Sounds e-learning resource


For Ages 6+

Earth Hour isn’t just about doing good for one hour a year – it’s about discovering ways to do better every day! Find out what Earth Hour is and how it got started, and discover fun Earth Hour activities you can do as a family!

Download the Activity Sheet

Earth Hour at Home e-learning worksheet


For Ages 6+

Listen to the sounds of spring! Learn about Ontario’s frogs and toads and how to identify them by their unique calls. Afterwards, try creating the calls at home and building a toad shelter for the garden! Watch the Video.

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cover page of Frog Watch e-learning worksheet


For Ages 6+

Learn how to germinate seeds, in a fun and visual way, and find out how students have been helping to green up The Meadoway. Watch the Video.

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cover page of The Meadoway germination e-learning worksheet


For Ages 6+

What are pollinators? Why are they important? Learn all about butterflies, bees, and other pollinators, and find out how to attract and support these species at home with pollinator-friendly gardening tips.

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cover page of TRCA pollinators at home e-learning worksheet


For Ages 6+

Check out the video, then fill out the worksheet to explore signs of spring and the changing seasons. Activities include: Word Scramble, Nature BINGO, “Signs of Spring” Challenge, and more! Watch the Video.

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cover page of Signs of Spring elearning worksheet


For Ages 7+

Did you know more then 70 percent of the earth is covered by water? Come learn with us about the wonders of water! Discover where we find water, and explore our planet’s water cycle. Watch the Video.

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cover page of The Wonders of Water e-learning worksheet


For Ages 8+

Get to know the buds of your local trees. Learn how to identify different trees by looking at their buds, and find out what makes these often overlooked parts of a plant different from each other. Watch the Video.

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cover page of Know Your Buds e-learning worksheet


For Ages 8+

Did you know trees are the world’s largest plants, covering approximately one-third of the Earth’s land surface? Learn about their fascinating world! Identify the parts of a plant, discover the keys to photosynthesis, and more! Watch the Video.

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cover page of Leafy Lessons e-learning worksheet


For Ages 8+

Lichens are living creatures all around us, but where do we find them? This package will teach you about what a lichen is, the story they can tell us about the environment, and how to identify some of the most common types. Watch the Video.

Download the Activity Sheet

cover page of lichens e-learning worksheet

RAIN TO RUNOFF: A Stormwater Story

For Ages 8+

Where does the rain go? When rain falls, roughly half of the water soaks into absorbent soil – except in urban areas, where there are more hard, paved surfaces. Join us as we explore stormwater‘s story in the city using the Enviroscape model! Watch the Video.

Download the Activity Sheet

Rain to Runoff stormwater e-learning resource

RAIN TO RUNOFF: Road Salt in Our City

For Ages 8+

Canadians use more than five million tonnes of road salt every winter! Find out how road salt makes its way into our rivers, wetlands and lakes, and how it can affect the wildlife and plants that live there.

Download the Activity Sheet

TRCA Rain to Runoff - Road Salt in Our City e-learning worksheet


For Ages 8+

Beavers are unique creatures with a very special role in our ecosystems! “Busy as a beaver,” they say — but busy doing what? Let’s find out! Watch the Video.

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cover page of Unbelievable Beavers e-learning resource


For Ages 10+

Maybe you’ve heard of the Asian carp species, which are considered a major threat to the Great Lakes. What are they? How are they different than other carp species? What threat do they pose to our environment, and what can we do? Watch the Video.

Download the Activity Sheet

All About Asian Carps e-learning worksheet


For Ages 10+

Microplastics: tiny but dangerous! Fill out this worksheet to learn more about what microplastics are, and how they enter our environment. Watch the Video.

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cover page of microplastics e-learning worksheet


For Ages 12+

They’re big, they’re destructive, and they might be coming our way! A group of invasive fishes called the Asian carps are some of the greatest threats to the Great Lakes! Learn why we need to stop the spread of invasive species in our waterways, and how you can play a part! Watch the Video.

Download the Activity Sheet

TRCA At Home with Nature Monitoring Asian Carp e-learning worksheet

Homeschool Resources:
For General Audiences


For General Audiences

Did you know that one little brown bat can eat more than 1,000 insects in a single hour? Learn more about bat species in the Toronto area and how to identify them! We bust common myths about these incredible creatures and reveal how to support their declining populations.

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cover page of TRCA All About Bats e-learning resource


For General Audiences

Whoooo goes there? Learn about owls and coyotes in the Greater Toronto area! Discover their unique calls and amazing nighttime adaptations.

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TRCA At Home with Nature e-learning worksheet on owls and coyotes


For General Audiences

Learn how planting native plants in The Meadoway is restoring an ancient food web and ecosystem. Topics include: How native and non-native plants differ from each other, and why native plants are so important to the meadow ecosystem.

Watch the Video


For General Audiences

Learn how to create a welcoming environment for birds and pollinators in your own backyard! Topics include: replacing turf grass with native plants, and the benefits of leaf piles and leftover winter scrub.

Watch the Video


For General Audiences

Learn how night vision, echolocation, and their senses of smell and touch help different animals to go about their business when the sun goes down!

Download the Activity Sheet

TRCA At Home with Nature Nocturnal Senses e-learning worksheet


For General Audiences

Learn to harvest rainwater with a rain barrel! You can save money on your water bill and divert stormwater runoff by using rain water in your garden. Let us show you how to choose, install, and maintain a rain barrel in your yard. Watch the Video.

Download the Activity Sheet

TRCA rainwater harvesting fact sheet


For General Audiences

A Bioblitz is a fun way to get a sense of the amazing diversity of living creatures in your yard, on your street, or anywhere! The idea: Look for as many living things as you can! Consider sending the information on what you find to a project like iNaturalist or eBird where scientists can use it for their research! Watch the Video.

Download the Activity Sheet

cover page of bioblitz e-learning resource

Looking for in-person learning opportunities?
Explore TRCA’s Outdoor Education Centres.