TRCA Spring Bird Festival

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2024 TRCA Spring Bird Festival. Stay tuned for details about next year’s event!

red winged blackbird
eastern kingbird

The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Spring Bird Festival is a free, public event at Tommy Thompson Park (TTP) to raise awareness of and celebrate the phenomenon of spring bird migration.

Located on the Toronto Waterfront at the convergence of two major migratory flyways, Tommy Thompson Park is Toronto’s largest greenspace and provides critical stopover habitat for migrating birds. There have been 318 native species recorded at the park!


TRCA’s Spring Bird Festival is part of the Toronto Bird Celebration, which celebrates the return of 50 million birds passing through Toronto!

cliff swallows
tree swallow
great egret - one of many species you may see at the TRCA spring bird festival

View The Schedule of Activities

All guided walks and presentations are first-come, first-served.

Walks and presentations at the TTP Nature Centre have a maximum capacity of 25 people. Visit the Registration Booth located at the Main Entrance to the park to receive your ticket for these activities.

Please note that trail conditions are very wet and will require proper footwear. Bird walk participants are advised to wear rubber boots.

Bird Habitat Shrub Plantings require pre-registration.


Cancellation Policy

The event will run rain or shine, but will be cancelled if there is a greater than 70% chance of thunderstorm or other hazardous weather. For cancellation updates, please check this page and TRCA’s social media channels.

Traditional Opening & Smudge
Time: 7:00 a.m.
Location: Main Entrance
Description: Indigenous Knowledge Keeper, healer and philosopher Cat Criger will help us greet the flyers with teachings and a smudge as we welcome the return of spring birds to Tommy Thompson Park.
Bird Sounds: Understanding Your Feathered Friends
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Location: Nature Centre
Capacity: 25 people
Description: Listen to the sounds of spring! Join us for an interactive presentation about how birds communicate. Enjoy interesting bird songs, calls, and more, and learn some tips to remember them!
Suitable for ages 6+. Duration: 45 minutes.
Who’s That Warbler?
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: Nature Centre
Capacity: 25 people
Description: Hey, who’s that warbler? Drop by to learn about these small, brightly-colored birds – known for their beautiful songs and distinctive patterns. Our friend Cat Criger will join us to share traditional teachings and stories about our relationships with birds.
Suitable for ages 6+. Duration: 30 minutes.


Bird Habitat Shrub Planting
Times: 10:00 a.m. | 11:00 a.m. | 1:00 p.m.
Location: Main Entrance
Description: Join us for this special shrub planting event at Tommy Thompson Park (TTP)! Shrubs for this planting have been carefully selected to provide food and shelter for a variety of bird species and other wildlife at TTP.
One shrub per registrant. Please take note of your time slot and ensure that you arrive on time for the planting demonstration.


Planting Location: Approximately 100-200m from the Main Entrance, on the east side of the Multi-Use Trail. Meet event leader at Main Entrance.

Equipment: All equipment required for the planting will be provided.

Clothing: Please come dressed for the weather. Long pants tucked into socks are strongly recommended. Closed toed shoes are mandatory.

Good to Know:
All are welcome to participate in this important stewardship activity! However, it is worth noting that the soil at TTP can be very rocky and difficult to dig; for this reason, adult caregivers/parents should be prepared to assist children with this activity.

Community Booths and Displays
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Location: Main Entrance
Description: Visit with a variety of community organizations and local groups.
Kids’ Activities
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Location: Nature Centre
Description: Join us at the Nature Centre for colouring, games, and more!
Bird Banding Demonstrations*
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Bird Research Station, Peninsula D
Description: Meet our Bander In Charge and learn all about our feathered friends that visit the park during spring migration season!
*Weather dependent
Aquatic Park Sailing Club Spring Litter Clean-Up
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Location: Main Entrance
Description: Join the Aquatic Park Sailing Club (APSC) as they clean up the trails throughout Tommy Thompson Park to make it a better place – for visitors, all for the wildlife that make the park their home. Visit the APSC booth at the Main Entrance to grab a garbage bag and some gloves before heading into the park. Pick up any garbage you find as you walk and fill your bag. Once you’ve finished your clean-up, tie the bag shut, and leave it in a pile along the side of the paved Multi-Use Trail for collection at the end of the event.


Early Bird Walk for Beginner Birders
Start Times: 7:30 a.m. | 7:45 a.m.
Meeting Location: Main Entrance
Capacity: 25 people
Description: This walk is ideal for new or novice birders. Participants will learn about the basics of birding, including how to use binoculars, species identification, birding ethics, and the best places to look for birds at Tommy Thompson Park. This walk will include a visit to the Tommy Thompson Park Bird Research Station (weather permitting).

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 2 to 3 km
Difficulty: Moderate. Terrain is relatively flat, but most of the walk will take place along an ungraded natural surface trail.

Good to Know:
Participants would benefit from bringing their own binoculars and a field guide. It is strongly recommended to wear rubber boots (some of the best places to see birds are quite wet in the spring) and to dress for the weather (long sleeved shirt, and long pants tucked into socks). There are opportunities to leave the walk early, if necessary.

This walk is not recommended for children under the age of 8.

Early Bird Walk for Intermediate Birders
Start Times: 7:30 a.m. | 7:45 a.m.
Meeting Location: Main Entrance
Capacity: 25 people
Description: This walk is ideal for birders who are looking to learn more about bird species found at Tommy Thompson Park, and the best spots in the park to search for them. This walk will include a visit to the Tommy Thompson Park Bird Research Station (weather permitting).

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 2 to 3 km
Difficulty: Moderate. Terrain is relatively flat, but most of the walk will take place along an ungraded natural surface trail.

Good to Know:
Participants would benefit from bringing their own binoculars and a field guide. It is strongly recommended to wear rubber boots (some of the best places to see birds are quite wet in the spring) and to dress for the weather (long sleeved shirt, and long pants tucked into socks). There are opportunities to leave the walk early, if necessary.

This walk is not recommended for children under the age of 8.

Beginner Birders Walk
Start Times: 8:00 a.m. | 10:45 a.m.
Meeting Location: Main Entrance
Capacity: 25 people
Description: This walk is ideal for new or novice birders. Participants will learn about the basics of birding, including how to use binoculars, species identification, birding ethics, and the best places to look for birds at Tommy Thompson Park. This walk will include a visit to the Tommy Thompson Park Bird Research Station (weather permitting).

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 2 to 3 km
Difficulty: Moderate. Terrain is relatively flat, but most of the walk will take place along an ungraded natural surface trail.

Good to Know:
Participants would benefit from bringing their own binoculars and a field guide. It is strongly recommended to wear rubber boots (some of the best places to see birds are quite wet in the spring) and to dress for the weather (long sleeved shirt, and long pants tucked into socks). There are opportunities to leave the walk early, if necessary.

This walk is not recommended for children under the age of 8.

Intermediate Birders Walk
Start Time: 10:30 a.m.
Meeting Location: Main Entrance
Capacity: 25 people
Description: This walk is ideal for birders who are looking to learn more about bird species found at Tommy Thompson Park, and the best spots in the park to search for them. This walk will include a visit to the Tommy Thompson Park Bird Research Station (weather permitting).

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 2 to 3 km
Difficulty: Moderate. Terrain is relatively flat, but most of the walk will take place along an ungraded natural surface trail.

Good to Know:
Participants would benefit from bringing their own binoculars and a field guide. It is strongly recommended to wear rubber boots (some of the best places to see birds are quite wet in the spring) and to dress for the weather (long sleeved shirt, and long pants tucked into socks). There are opportunities to leave the walk early, if necessary.

This walk is not recommended for children under the age of 8.

Warbler and Woodland Birds Walk
Start Time: 10:15 a.m.
Meeting Location: Main Entrance
Capacity: 25 people
Description: Join us on a guided tour through the Wet Woods, to experience the magnificent colours and songs of these brightly coloured birds.

Duration: 1.5 hours
Distance: 2 km
Difficulty: Moderate. Terrain is relatively flat, but most of the walk will take place along an ungraded natural surface trail.

Good to Know:
Participants would benefit from bringing their own binoculars and a field guide. It is strongly recommended to wear rubber boots (as its name suggests, the Wet Woods are very wet in the spring!) and to dress for the weather (long sleeved shirt, and long pants tucked into socks). There are opportunities to leave the walk early, if necessary.

This walk is not recommended for children under the age of 8.

Colonial Waterbird Walk
Start Time: 9:00 a.m.
Meeting Location: Main Entrance
Capacity: 25 people
Description: Tommy Thompson Park is home to six species of colonial waterbirds that nest in very large numbers. Take a guided walk to Cell 1, where you will learn about the various colonies, including Common Tern, Black-crowned Night-Heron, and Double-crested Cormorant, as well as the management programs operated by TRCA.

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 3 km
Difficulty: Difficulty: Moderate. Most of this hike is along the paved Multi-Use Trail. However, a short portion will follow a graded, crushed stone trail.

Good to Know:
This walk has two components: participants will meet their first walk leader at the Main Entrance for a guided walk to the Outdoor Classroom (2 km, approximately 45 minutes). Then, participants will meet their second walk leader for the colonial waterbird walk.

Participants should be prepared to walk a total of 3-4 km. Participants are invited to bring binoculars and a field guide. It is strongly recommended to dress for the weather (long sleeved shirt, and long pants tucked into socks). There are opportunities to leave the walk early, if necessary.

This walk is not recommended for children under the age of 8.

Marsh Bird Walk
Start Time: 11:00 a.m.
Meeting Location: Main Entrance
Capacity: 25 people
Description: Marshes are critical features of our landscapes. They filter our water, recharge our water tables, and provide habitat for a variety of wildlife, including many species of birds. Learn about the Cell 1 wetland, how it was built, and the birds that live around it.

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 3 km
Difficulty: Difficulty: Moderate. Most of this hike is along the paved Multi-Use Trail. However, a short portion will follow a graded, crushed stone trail.

Good to Know:
This walk has two components: participants will meet their first walk leader at the Main Entrance for a guided walk to the Outdoor Classroom (2 km, approximately 45 minutes). Then, participants will meet their second walk leader for the marsh birds walk.

Participants should be prepared to walk a total of 3-4 km. Participants are invited to bring binoculars and a field guide. It is strongly recommended to dress for the weather (long sleeved shirt, and long pants tucked into socks). There are opportunities to leave the walk early, if necessary.

This walk is not recommended for children under the age of 8.

Family Nature Walk
Start Times: 10:00 a.m. | 12:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Nature Centre
Capacity: 25 people
Description: This family-friendly walk is designed for all ages, from little ones to grandparents! Explore Toronto’s urban wilderness with our knowledgeable nature educator, and learn about the plants, animals, and habitats at Tommy Thompson Park.

Duration: 1 hour
Distance: 2 km
Difficulty: Difficulty: Easy. Follows a graded, crushed stone trail.

Good to Know:
Participants should arrive early to allow time to walk or take the shuttle to the Pedestrian Bridge, approximately 3 km from the Main Entrance. Participants may want to bring binoculars and a field guide. It is strongly recommended to dress for the weather. There are opportunities to leave the walk early, if necessary.

This walk is suitable for children, and little ones in strollers.


Plan Your Visit

Approximate distances and directions for key locations in Tommy Thompson Park (TTP):

Select the image below to download a copy of the TTP trail map.

Tommy Thompson Park trail map

We love your pets, but please leave them at home! To protect wildlife in the park, TTP has a No Pets Policy.


Please visit our information page to learn about avian influenza and how to stop the spread of the virus.

Currently, there have been no positive cases of avian influenza confirmed on TRCA’s properties. However, TRCA encourages all of our visitors to be informed about the virus and to take the proper precautions to protect your health and the health of others, including keeping a distance from birds and other wildlife.