As we move closer to our 2017 field season, we would like to take the opportunity to look back at 2016 and celebrate all the community engagement accomplishments by the TRCA Watershed Services group over the past year.
In 2016 we hosted a total of 85 events including tree plantings, community engagement opportunities, and a series of cleanups. Through these events we planted over 13,000 native wild flowers, trees and shrubs. We also had a very successful year with the introduction of the Watershed Wide Cleanup program.
In 2016 alone, we hosted 24 different cleanup events and removed 6,289 lbs of garbage from our natural areas. We hosted our very popular Family Fishing Day for the 7th year at Heart Lake Conservation Area, our 3rd annual Bike the Creek event and fourth year of the Heart Lake Dragon Boat Festival.
The video below provides a quick snap shot of some of our accomplishments and the many highlights from our events over the year.
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