TRCA’s Planning Desk is now open for in-person Planning and Permits enquiries at 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto. We recommend that you book a consultation with our planning staff in advance by phone.
Updated July 7, 2020. High water levels are not expected on Lake Ontario. The forecast is now on a gradual lowering trend, and the risk of flooding...
Updated July 7, 2020. High water levels are not expected on Lake Ontario. The forecast is now on a gradual lowering trend, and the risk of flooding low. Lake Ontario water levels depend primarily on three factors: (1) Inflows from Lake Erie, which are unregulated and account for approximately 85% of inflows into Lake...
Updated July 7, 2020. High water levels are not expected on Lake Ontario. The forecast is now on a gradual lowering trend, and the risk of flooding low. Lake Ontario water levels depend primarily on three factors: (1) Inflows from Lake Erie, which are unregulated and account for approximately 85% of inflows into Lake...
Listen carefully the next time you walk by a creek, river or stream and you may just hear the splash of salmon running upstream. That’s because...
Listen carefully the next time you walk by a creek, river or stream...
Listen carefully the next time you walk by a creek, river or stream and you may just hear the splash of salmon running upstream. That’s because every fall, salmon leave the cold waters of the Great Lakes. They spend spend most of the year in the...