TRCA’s Planning Desk is now open for in-person Planning and Permits enquiries at 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto. We recommend that you book a consultation with our planning staff in advance by phone.
Archaeological investigations in the Greater Toronto Area have identified nearly 300 sites related to Indigenous occupation — a powerful...
Archaeological investigations in the Greater Toronto Area have identified nearly 300 sites related to Indigenous occupation — a powerful reminder that this area has been the homeland of Indigenous peoples for more than 10,000 years. Each site — whether a small, briefly-occupied hunting camp or a large village that housed hundreds of families —...
Archaeological investigations in the Greater Toronto Area have identified nearly 300 sites related to Indigenous occupation — a powerful reminder that this area has been the homeland of Indigenous peoples for more than 10,000 years. Each site — whether a small, briefly-occupied hunting camp or a large village that housed hundreds of families —...
It’s July 28, 2017 — happy Day of Archaeology! In this annual online event, people around the world who work, study or volunteer in...
It’s July 28, 2017 — happy Day of Archaeology! In this...
It’s July 28, 2017 — happy Day of Archaeology! In this annual online event, people around the world who work, study or volunteer in archaeology contribute blog posts, all compiled here. The idea is to offer a glimpse into the daily lives...