Source to Stream Makes a Successful Return

After a Three-Year Hiatus, Canada’s Premier Stormwater and Erosion Control Conference Came Back Better Than Ever

March 24, 2023, Toronto, ON — On March 22 and 23, 2023 almost 800 delegates attended the Source to Stream Conference, formerly known as TRIECA, after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic. You could feel the excitement to reconnect and learn about new science and best practices to protect our water resources, and reduce increasing risks to infrastructure and communities from more extreme weather events.

TRCA CEO John MacKenzie with Rohan Hakimi from Credit Valley Conservation at the Source to Stream Conference
TRCA Chief Executive Officer John MacKenzie (right) at the Source to Stream Conference with Rohan Hakimi, a water resource engineer on the Integrated Watershed Management team at Credit Valley Conservation (CVC).

A wide range of researchers, developers, government officials, and members of industry associations and conservation authorities were well represented. The diversity of actors is critical because each one plays a part in building a robust, green economy, and addressing shared challenges. Having all sectors of government and industry present enhanced the richness of the event.

Hosted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) in association with Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA), Source to Stream is built on the awareness that we all share a goal of developing healthy, strong, and sustainable communities, and that collaboration is essential to achieving it. From this foundation, the conference aims to bring parties together to have dialogue, share knowledge, and develop solutions to common environmental challenges.

presenter at the 2023 Source to Stream Conference
The two-day Source to Stream Conference featured presentations from industry leaders on topics such as natural design solutions, stormwater management, and low impact development.

The two-day conference provided a unique and unparalleled opportunity for delegates to connect and learn with leaders from across the industry. There was a strong suite of presentations on topics like natural design solutions, stormwater management, and innovative technologies to help better protect the natural environment and address erosion issues exacerbated by our changing climate, and more extreme weather events.

The conference delivered non-stop engagement and inspiration for attendees. A trade show with over 60 exhibitors gave attendees a chance to get up close and personal about specific topics, products, and research findings with peers. The full-day pre-conference training on March 21 offered a workshop on designing practices for underground infiltration.

the 2023 Source to Stream conference trade show featured more than 70 exhibitors
The Source to Stream Conference trade show featured more than 60 exhibitors.

This year, for the first time, a new sponsorship initiative was launched that works to break down barriers for new immigrants to Canada in finding meaningful work in their areas of expertise. With sponsorship from AECOM, 10 individuals as part of TRCA’s Professional Access Into Employment (PAIE) program were able to participate in the conference free of charge and make valuable connections.

TRCA thanks all the sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, and delegates who attended Source to Stream. It is with their participation that this conference is the premier stormwater and erosion control event that it is known to be.

The Source to Stream Conference is an initiative through the Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP), a partnership program of TRCA, CVC, and LSRCA.

To learn more about STEP, visit


“Thank you to all who attended the Source to Stream Conference. After three long years, you could feel the eagerness to get back to in-person collaboration, including sharing knowledge from our applied research and best evolving practices. The innovation and research findings that were shared help to reduce negative impacts on the natural environment, adapt to more extreme weather events, and advance solutions to build healthy, safe and sustainable communities.”
John MacKenzie, Chief Executive Officer, TRCA


About Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)

Since 1957, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), as enabled through the provincial Conservation Authorities Act, has taken action to enhance our region’s natural environment and protect our land, water, and communities from the impacts of flooding and increasingly extreme weather events – Ontario’s leading cause of public emergencies.

As the region’s first line of defence against natural hazards, TRCA maintains vital infrastructure and provides programs and services that promote public health and safety, protecting people and property.

TRCA mobilizes a science-based approach to provide sound policy advice, leveraging its position as a not-for-profit operating in the broader public sector to achieve collective impacts within our communities and across all levels of government.

TRCA’s jurisdiction includes nine watersheds and their Lake Ontario shorelines, spanning six upper-tier and fifteen lower-tier municipalities and representing almost five million people, approximately 10% of Canada’s population.

To learn more about TRCA, visit


Media Contact

Crystal Lee
Communications and Media Relations Specialist
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)