While officials continue to monitor the stability of the Scarborough Bluffs, it has been determined that the factors creating enhanced risk to public safety have settled.
Access to Shoreline Re-opened
TRCA crews have begun to remove the barricades at Doris McCarthy Trail and the Guild construction access route, allowing access to the shoreline again. However, TRCA is reminding visitors to always use caution along this section, as there may be minor ongoing movement of material off the bluff face.
While the lake level is going down and will continue to do so for the remainder of the summer, storms bringing strong winds and wave action may create unsafe conditions periodically.
Should conditions change, TRCA and the City of Toronto will re-evaluate informal public access of these areas.
Safety at the Top of the Scarborough Bluffs
This summer, more than 70 landslides have occurred along the Bluffs, causing those who ventured beyond the fences and posted warning signs to risk personal injury or death.
When visiting the Scarborough Bluffs at any parks along the top (tableland), please obey posted signs and stay inside the fenced-off areas.
Access to the edge of the Bluffs is strictly prohibited beyond the fencing installed due to the very real safety concerns of the unstable land. Members of the public who have ignored the posted signage and who venture out to the Bluffs edge put themselves and emergency responders at risk of personal injury and death.