Sunshine, Syrup, and Success as TRCA’s Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival Wraps Up

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) 2024 Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival concluded with a resounding success on April 7, marking the end of nearly a month of delightful festivities at Kortright Centre for Conservation and Bruce’s Mill Conservation Park.

TRCA Maple Syrup festival attendees visit the Sugar Shack at Kortright Centre

Benefiting from an unusually warm March and pleasant early spring weather, Kortright and Bruce’s Mill welcomed more than 40,000 visitors ready to celebrate all things maple syrup!

The festival attracted many families with children eager to explore these two locations and discover the history, traditions, and methods of maple syrup production in Canada from the past to the present day.

visitor to the TRCA maple syrup festival learns about the traditional method of tapping trees to collect sap for making maple syrup
TRCA educator explains the traditional method of making maple syrup to visitors at Kortright Centre
visitors to Kortright Centre sample authentic Canadian maple syrup

Visitors were treated to costumed demonstrations of maple syrup making, including the ever-popular “tap a log” activity, and enjoyed an opportunity to sample the sweet taste of this classic Canadian treat.

This year’s festival also hosted a mad science demonstration, bubble shows, ice carvings, and strolling entertainment, including an appearance by the Easter Bunny.

On March 8, the festival welcomed its new premier sponsor, 407 ETR, with a kickoff ribbon-cutting event at Kortright Centre.

John MacKenzie, CEO of TRCA, and Javier Tamargo, President and CEO of 407 ETR, were among the distinguished guests who marked the occasion with speeches and a ceremonial tree tapping to celebrate this new partnership.

Javier Tamargo - President and CEO of 407 ETR and John MacKenzie - CEO of TRCA at the Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival ribbon-cutting
Javier Tamargo, President and CEO of 407 ETR (left) and John MacKenzie, CEO of TRCA (right) at the Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival ribbon-cutting on March 8, 2024.

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of 407 ETR, traditional horse-drawn rides were provided free of charge to visitors this year, adding to the festival’s charm and enjoyment.

Thank you to all who joined us for the 2024 Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival. We can’t wait to see you again next year for more maple-filled fun!