Oak Ridges Moraine Study

Facility: Lake St. George Field Centre
Request a Booking
Program Levels:
Grade 7, Grade 8, Grades 9-12
Course Types:
Day Visit, Overnight

Participants will learn about the formation of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The importance of the moraine to the movement and quality of groundwater will be highlighted using a groundwater model.

During a hike on the Lake St. George property, students will also be introduced to some the Moraine’s unique features and fragile habitats, such as the beautiful kettle lake which the field centre’s property surrounds.

duck perches on submerged tree at Lake St George

Activities may also include discussion or role-play to enlighten students about threats to the Moraine and the interest groups involved in its protection.

This program includes an outdoor component. Students must be dressed appropriately for the weather, and for walking in forest and field areas.


  • Year-round

Curriculum Connections:

  • Science & Technology: Water Systems (Grade 8)
  • Geography: Natural Resources (Grade 7); Themes of Geographic Inquiry (Grade 7); Patterns in Physical Geography (Grade 7); Patterns in Human Geography (Grade 8)