Habitats and Communities

Facility: Claireville Outdoor Education Centre
Request a Booking
Program Levels:
Grade 4
Course Types:
Afternoon, Day Visit, Morning

Contact jasmine.green@trca.ca to request a booking.

Claireville Conservation Area is a great place to explore habitat!

This program introduces the concept of a natural community and the abioitc and biotic factors that control the number of and type of plants and animals that live within it.

Students will discover the major groups (consumers, producers, decomposers) within the food web of Southern Ontario and how they interact to function as a whole.

Students will also investigate the physical and behavioural adaptations of plants and animals that ensure their survival in their specific habitats through hands on activities and games.

All year

Curriculum Connections:

  • Science and Technology: Life Systems
    • Grade 4: Habitats and Communities