Since receiving approval for the Final Scarborough Waterfront Project Environmental Assessment from the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks on November 5, 2019, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has been preparing for the initiation of detailed design for the West Segment, to commence this Fall 2020.
This will include the design of a multi-use trail along the east side of Brimley Road South, along with the implementation of shoreline erosion protection features, an expanded sand beach, and a shoreline trail through Bluffer’s Park.
As part of the conditions of the Notice of Approval, TRCA has prepared an EA Compliance Monitoring Program and completed the first Annual EA Compliance Monitoring Report to track compliance with the commitments set out as part of the EA.
These documents are available for review in our Documents Library.
Stay tuned for continued updates as TRCA moves through the West Segment detailed design process. Updates will be made available here on the project page as well as through our project newsletter.