Does TRCA enforce the Greenbelt, Oak Ridges Moraine, or Niagara Escarpment plans?

The Niagara Escarpment Commission interprets the NEP and assesses development proposals on lands within the NEP Area to ensure that it is in accordance with NEP policies. The Niagara Escarpment Commission and TRCA have an established partnership whereby TRCA staff provides technical review for Escarpment Development Permits.

The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, Green Belt Plan and Growth Plan are implemented through Planning Act applications and municipalities are the final approval authorities. TRCA plays an ongoing key role in the implementation of the various Plans.

TRCA is a public commenting body under the Planning Act. We also have delegated authority to represent the provincial interest in natural hazards during the review of planning applications, and we act as a resource management agency operating on a local watershed basis. In this role, TRCA provides municipalities with technical advice in the interpretation of the Plans and their technical guides. TRCA’s review is separate from the municipal review.