Reports and Resources


Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan 2020-2030

Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan – Scenario Analysis Technical Reports

Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan – Watershed Characterization Reports

Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan Consultation

Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan – Reports to Boards/Councils

2003 Watershed Plan

Peer Review




Carruthers Creek Management Philosophy

The vision for Carruthers Creek watershed will be supported by a management philosophy of 5 key elements.

1) Net Gain

  • Improve upon existing features and functions throughout the watershed.

2) Environment First

  • Manage the watershed as a “system,” considering the environmental function first.
  • Protect and enhance the natural features and functions as a first step in a hierarchy of other management approaches.
  • Emphasize prevention over remediation, recognizing that prevention is more cost efficient than remediation.

3) Human Health and Safety

  • Recognize linkages between human health and the health of the environment.
  • Minimize risk to human health and safety.

4) Balance Land Use

  • The watershed, located in one of the largest city regions in Canada, must support a combination of natural, urban, and agricultural land uses and systems.
  • Apply the principles of Smart Growth and the Greenbelt.
  • Recognize the concept of balance through land use actions, thus ensuring integrity of watershed functions.

5) Everyone Counts – Ownership, Commitment and Follow Through

  • Demonstrate sustainable living and sustainable community design.
  • Build on existing leadership, stewardship, and good decision making practices.
  • Strengthen existing, and develop new, partnerships.
  • Make the appropriate lifestyle choices, change behaviours, and encourage innovation in thoughts, words, and actions.

Aerial Tour of Carruthers Creek Watershed