Project Information

The Scarborough Waterfront Project is a study under the Environmental Assessment Act.  It is an Individual Environmental Assessment that uses an objectives-based approach focused on improving overall benefits.  The Project Vision and Objectives set the framework for the decision making process.

The Project Vision is to create a system of greenspaces along the Lake Ontario shoreline which respect and protect the significant natural and cultural features of the Bluffs, enhance the terrestrial and aquatic habitat, and provide a safe and enjoyable waterfront experience.

The Objectives of the Project are:

  1. Natural Environment: Protect and enhance terrestrial and aquatic features and linkages
  2. Risk: Manage public safety and property risk
  3. Experience: Provide an enjoyable waterfront experience
  4. Coordination: Consistency and coordination with other initiatives
  5. Cost: Achieve value for cost

Scarborough Waterfront Project green infrastructure project information

Process for an Individual Environmental Assessment


An individual Environmental Assessment is prepared for large-scale, complex projects with the potential for significant environmental effects. They require Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change approval.

The steps for an Individual EA are as follows:

  1. Develop and submit a Terms of Reference
  2. Prepare an environmental assessment
  3. Submit an environmental assessment report
  4. Public and government review
  5. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change review
  6. Public consultation on the Ministry Review
  7. Minister’s decision
  8. Implement the project and monitor compliance

Objectives-Based Environmental Assessment

In an Objectives-Based approach, the Project Vision and Objectives set the framework for the decision making process.

Established early in the process and refined based on public input, the Objectives set the stage for picking the Preferred Alternative(s) by further breaking out the Objectives into a series of Evaluation Criteria in which Alternatives are evaluated against.

Project Objectives

Protect and enhance terrestrial and aquatic natural features and linkages

Habitat type, health, and sensitivity vary in the study area. There are opportunities to enhance existing terrestrial and aquatic habitat and create new greenspace.

Manage public safety and property risk

There are varying levels of risk to the public and property in the study area. For example, risk of slope failure, loss of tableland, hazardous access routes, and risk from waves to users of the greenspace. Existing and future risks need to be identified and mitigated.

Provide an enjoyable waterfront experience

A number of factors contribute to an enjoyable waterfront experience. For example, diversity of experience, including, active/passive recreation; views and vistas; multi-season use; trail connections; and education/appreciation of the natural and cultural features of the bluffs.

Consistency and coordination with other initiatives

Significant community planning has occurred in this area. The project will be consistent with, and coordinate with other initiatives, including the Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy (WRT), Urban Fish Management Plan; Guild Park & Gardens Management Plan; and local community initiatives.

Achieve value for cost

Maximize the benefits achieved through the project in relation to the estimated project cost (capital and maintenance).

Study Area

The study area extends across the shoreline from Bluffer’s Park in the west to the mouth of the Highland Creek in the east. The northern boundary is Kingston Road and the southern boundary is Lake Ontario.

Scarborough Waterfront Project Study Area Map