Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), in partnership with the City of Toronto, is undertaking maintenance works on four (4) existing shoreline erosion control structures within Bluffer’s Park. TRCA will address current erosion hazards and improve resiliency to prevent future hazards to infrastructure and park users.
Project Location
The Project Area is within Bluffer’s Park, located at the base of Brimley Road South along Lake Ontario, in the City of Toronto. The area of concern includes two (2) headlands and two (2) revetments along the shoreline in proximity to the Bluffer’s Park Marina, centrally located in the park.
Learn More About the Project
Project Background
The system of erosion control structures along the shoreline of Bluffer’s Park includes a series of headlands, beaches, and revetments. The structures to be addressed as part of this project were constructed in the mid-late 1970s during the development of Bluffer’s Park. Over the past 45 years, these structures have progressively deteriorated through a combination of armourstone displacement, concrete rubble degradation, backshore erosion, wave overtopping, and ice impacts.
The headland structures are primarily comprised of armourstone material, with riprap material also present throughout the structures. TRCA’s Erosion Risk Management Program (ERMP) monitoring records categorize both headlands as “failing” with displacement observed throughout the toe of both structures.
Revetment WF22.08, located between the two headlands, is comprised primarily of concrete rubble with supplementary rip rap material. ERMP monitoring records indicate that the revetment is in a “failing” overall condition with evidence of displacement and backshore scouring observed in 2022.
The Revetment WF22.10, located east of the headlands, is comprised primarily of concrete rubble and also contains rip rap and sand. ERMP records indicate this structure is “at risk” with observed displacement at each end. The most eastern end of structure also experienced significant damage during storm events prompting interim repairs in 2019 and 2020. Some displacement has been observed since these repairs were implemented.
Scope of Work
The goal of this project is to restore and enhance the original erosion protection capabilities of the headlands and revetments by repairing the existing structures.
The general scope/sequence of work for this project includes the following:
Completed Steps:
- Complete a baseline inventory of the Project Area
- Retain a qualified engineer to complete a coastal analysis and detailed designs for maintenance
In Progress:
- Develop detailed designs to reinforce the existing shoreline erosion control structures, increase resiliency to changing lake levels and wave impacts, as well as promoting aquatic habitat enhancement in Lake Ontario
- Acquire necessary permits and approvals required for construction
Next Steps:
- Undertake site setup and establish staging/stockpile areas, including tree removals, installation of Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) measures, construction fencing and tree protection
- Prepare the existing structures for maintenance (i.e. excavation where required)
- Reinforce the armourstone headlands (primarily at the toe) and re-construct the revetments with armourstone slopes
- Install appropriate sized cobble/riprap and gravel material to improve aquatic habitat
- Complete site restoration and demobilization
Construction Information
The project is currently progressing through detailed design. More details will become available once the final designs are developed. Work is tentatively scheduled to commence Fall 2024, pending receipt of all permits and approvals and following completion of the adjacent Bluffer’s Southwest Headland and Beach Major Maintenance Project.
To ensure public safety, the project area will remain closed for the duration of construction activities. Further information on any trail closures will be provided in advance of construction.
Public Notices
Prior to implementation, Notices of Construction will be placed at various locations surrounding the project area.
Progress Updates
Progress updates will be posted regularly upon commencement of construction activities.
Contact Us
For more information regarding this project, please contact:
Danielle Dellandrea, Senior Project Manager
Erosion Risk Management
Restoration & Infrastructure Division