Are you a post-secondary student pursuing a future career in the environment or history? The Living City Leader Scholarships are here to support you.
If you’re a student living in TRCA’s jurisdiction, attending post-secondary education in a degree or diploma program in Environmental Studies, Landscape Architecture, Archaeology, Museum Studies, Forestry, Civil Engineering, or just about any program that relates to the core work of TRCA and supports the idea of The Living City, you’re eligible to apply for scholarships from The Living City Foundation.
Three scholarships are available; one for $5,000 and two for $1,500.
To qualify, students will be asked to complete an application form and provide a 500 word essay outlining how they demonstrate the values of The Living City–where human settlement can flourish forever as part of nature’s beauty and diversity.
Special consideration will be given to those students who demonstrate leadership through volunteer and extracurricular activities. While academic excellence will be a consideration, awards will not necessarily go to the student with the highest marks. Ultimately, we are looking for well-rounded leaders who are active in their communities and epitomize the ideals of sustainability.
Submissions are reviewed by a volunteer selection committee of The Living City Foundation and are due prior to September 23rd. Three finalists will be invited to attend The Living City Environmental Dinner on November 3th, 2016 where the scholarships will be awarded.
For questions and information, please contact Debbie Pokornik.
Debbie Pokornik
416.661.6600 ext. 5346 |