Decoding Climate Change Locally

Decoding Climate Change

The weeks of discussion, consultation and building consensus are now over. COP21, the United Nations conference on climate change, ended this past weekend with 195 nations vowing to do their part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adopt other beneficial practices aimed at lessening the potentially life-threatening effects of climate change on our planet.

Canada took a leadership role at the conference, strongly supporting the move to keep the rise of the earth’s temperature to within 2 degrees C and net zero emissions by the the second half of the century. During the run of the conference, TRCA highlighted many of its efforts for adaptation and mitigation of climate change here in our jurisdiction through its social media channels.

Now that climate change is being recognized and plans put in place to tackle it, the work of TRCA is even more relevant and critical. Here are the posts that were made in the last two weeks pertaining to TRCA climate change initiatives.