Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference Phase

The Terms of Reference is a framework for how the Project will be carried out.

It sets out the objectives of the project, specifically, what things will be considered, what studies will be undertaken, and how alternatives will be evaluated.


Notice of Submission of Terms of Reference (ToR)

On June 4, 2015 the Terms of Reference was submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change for its review and approval decision as required by the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Click here to view a copy of the Notice of Submission of the ToR.

Notice of Submission of Draft Terms of Reference (ToR)

On April 2, 2015 the Draft Terms of Reference was made available for public review. Click here to view a copy of the Notice of Submission of the Draft ToR.


Public Consultation for the Terms of Reference

Public Information Centre #2 for the Terms of Reference – February 24, 2015

The purpose of the second information centre was to present the revised Project Vision and Objectives, preliminary Evaluation Criteria and approach to developing Alternatives, and for the public to provide comments and insight on the project.

The format of the PIC included an open house session with panel display information, a formal presentation followed by a question and answer periods, and a facilitated round-table discussion activity. The round table discussion activity was led by several facilitators located at individual tables during the event. Facilitators are recorders were present to guide the group discussion. A facilitators’ workbook was used to summarize the discussion at each table. The five Project Objectives and related draft Evaluation Criteria, outlined in the workbook were used to organize the round table discussion. The event venue was divided into four areas and each area began by discussing a different set of evaluation criteria related to a Project Objective. Following the individual group discussions, each table elected a speaker to share a summary of the table discussion.

Attendees were also invited to provide their comments on the key themes and feedback received during PIC#1 for the Terms of Reference. At the close of the meeting, participants were also provided with a meeting evaluation form and invited to comment on the meeting format.

Materials presented at PIC#2 are available for download:

Public Information Centre #1 for the Terms of Reference – September 10, 2014

The purpose of this first public information centre was to introduce the project and the planning process. The format for the meeting included an open house session, a formal presentation and a breakout/feedback session. In the open house portion of the meeting, attendees had the opportunity to talk to TRCA and City of Toronto project staff. Attendees were invited to provide comments, insights, and concerns directly onto maps of the Study Area which were posted around the room. Another opportunity for informal discussion and feedback, including a worksheet, was provided after the presentation.

The presentation described the history of the Scarborough section of the Toronto shoreline and the planning and erosion protection works that have taken place over the last 40 years. A brief overview of the Scarborough Waterfront Project was provided, including a description of the preliminary Vision and Objectives. The environmental assessment process was described with particular focus on the public consultation process and the formation of a Stakeholder Committee. Next steps and contact information were also provided.

The Project Team received great feedback and local knowledge from 150 participants that attended the meeting. The community was asked to tell the team about the challenges and opportunities in the Scarborough Waterfront and collected comments using worksheets and study area maps posted around the room.

This input was used to develop a set of Alternatives for the Scarborough Waterfront as well as a set of Criteria that can be used to evaluate these Alternatives. Developing and evaluating Alternatives for the future of the Scarborough Waterfront is part of theEnvironmental Assessment process.

Materials presented at PIC #1 are available for download:


Stakeholder Committee Consultation for the Terms of Reference

Page-Turn Review of the Preliminary Draft Terms of Reference

An optional page-turn review of the preliminary draft ToR document was held with the Stakeholder Committee on March 25, 2015. The purpose of the meeting was to review sections of the preliminary draft ToR and obtain comments from participating Stakeholder Committee members. The page-turn review of the preliminary draft was held in advance of the draft submission so Stakeholder Committee members could assist the Project Team in identifying public points of interest in the document prior to its broader release.

Stakeholder Committee Meeting #3 for the Terms of Reference

A third Stakeholder Committee meeting was held on February 5, 2015. This meeting was a “dry-run” for PIC #2. Stakeholder Committee members were able to see how the presentation, panel displays and discussion materials were revised following their feedback at meeting #2 and provide comment on further revisions prior to the public presentation.

In general Stakeholder Committee members were very positive about the changes to the presentation and felt that TRCA had done a good job at simplifying the presentation and the discussion session. They expressed that the presentation provided listeners with a good understanding of the project and why it was being undertaken and that it was much easier to understand as most of the EA jargon had been removed. They also expressed the importance of making sure that there was time at the PIC for both a question and answer session and small group discussions. This meeting was a collaborative effort between Stakeholder Committee members and the team to continue to improve the materials for the PIC and a number of additional comments were raised.

Stakeholder Committee Meeting #2 for the Terms of Reference

A second Stakeholder Committee meeting was held on December 10, 2014, where discussion focused on the revised project vision and objectives, the proposed approach for developing alternatives and input into establishing draft evaluation criteria. A presentation was delivered on these components, followed by breakout table discussions.

The Stakeholder Committee provided invaluable input at meeting #2 on the content and assisted the team in determining ways to modify the information to make it easier to understand. General themes that were raised at this meeting included:

  • Keep it Simple – For ongoing work with the Stakeholder Committee, and especially for communications and consultation with the general public, it is essential to keep the information presented simple, clear and concise.
  • Prioritize Nature – The fundamental and most important goal of this project, for many Stakeholder Committee members, is the protection of the natural environment and preservation of the unique natural character of the Bluffs.
  • Watch the Use of Jargon – Much of the information presented was of a technical EA planning nature. Terms like “natural and cultural heritage” and “objectives based criteria” are not immediately understood or can be open to interpretation. Jargon should be avoided. Where it is required, an explanation or a glossary of terms should be included.
  • Demonstrate How You are Listening – The Stakeholder Committee as well as members of the public will want to see examples of how the project team is listening to their concerns and incorporating feedback into the study process.

The Project Team refined the materials based on the input received and a third Stakeholder Committee meeting was scheduled for Feb. 5, 2015 to review the refinement in advance of its presentation to the public at Public Information Centre #2.

Stakeholder Committee Meeting #1 for the Terms of Reference

The Stakeholder Committee held its first meeting on October 8, 2014. The meeting provided the group with an opportunity to get to know each other, to learn about the Scarborough Waterfront Project, gain an understanding of the function of the Committee and its role, and to discuss opportunities and concerns within the community related to the project, including a discussion of feedback from the first Public Information Centre.


Notice of Commencement of the Terms of Reference (ToR)

On July 17, 2014 the Notice of Commencement for the Scarborough Waterfront Project was submitted. Click here to view a copy of the Notice of Commencement of the ToR.


The draft ToR, including the Record of Consultation and Appendices can be accessed through the following link:

The draft ToR and appendices can be accessed separately through the following links: