Under the Conservation Authorities Act, TRCA is responsible for the protection of lives and property from the effects of flooding and erosion within their jurisdiction. TRCA is responsible for the enforcement of land use regulations to:
• Prevent construction in areas subject to flooding hazard
• Prevent the indiscriminate placing of fill in flood and erosion hazard areas
• Regulate the interference with and alteration of water courses
Generally, Ontario Regulation 166/06 and TRCA policy prohibit any filling or new construction within an area suspect to flooding (minor or accessory structures such as tool sheds, car garages may be allowed). The regulation also applies to renovation or additions, such as the floodproofing of existing buildings. Prior to any filling or construction in the floodplain, a permit must be obtained from TRCA.
Construction activity may also require municipal approvals under municipal by-laws or building codes, or from other government agencies.