Program Levels:
Course Types:
Let TRCA’s OCT-certified teachers facilitate or co-facilitate your Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (I.C.E.) training. Our team has been trained by the Ministry of Education to lead any sector through the process of finding real-world solutions to authentic challenges.
Using the three gears approach, students explore Empathy & Needs Finding, Ideation & Prototyping and Strategy & Testing, and are then given an opportunity to present their solutions and receive feedback from relevant sector partners.
This six-hour certification can be held at Claremont Nature Centre, or at your school or other preferred location.
Students will receive a certificate of completion for their portfolio.
Applicable Sectors:
- Agriculture
- Arts & Culture
- Aviation / Aerospace
- Business
- Construction
- Energy
- Environment
- Food Processing
- Forestry
- Health & Wellness
- Horticulture & Landscaping
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Information & Communications Technology
- Justice, Community Safety & Emergency Services
- Manufacturing
- Mining
- Non-Profit
- Sports
- Transportation