TRCA’s Planning Desk is now open for in-person Planning and Permits enquiries at 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto. We recommend that you book a consultation with our planning staff in advance by phone.
Almost 100,000 Native Trees and Shrubs to be Planted at Over 90 Sites September 21, 2023, Toronto, ON — In preparation for the fall planting...
Almost 100,000 Native Trees and Shrubs to be Planted at Over 90 Sites September 21, 2023, Toronto, ON — In preparation for the fall planting season, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) Restoration and Resource Management team is gearing up to supply and plant almost 100,000 trees and shrubs across more than 90 restoration...
Almost 100,000 Native Trees and Shrubs to be Planted at Over 90 Sites September 21, 2023, Toronto, ON — In preparation for the fall planting season, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) Restoration and Resource Management team is gearing up to supply and plant almost 100,000 trees and shrubs across more than 90 restoration...
Getting through winter here in the Great White North can be a little rough. Thankfully, now that we’ve reached the Family Day weekend,...
Getting through winter here in the Great White North can be a little...
Getting through winter here in the Great White North can be a little rough. Thankfully, now that we’ve reached the Family Day weekend, there’s some spring light at the end of the tunnel. But winter isn’t quite done with us yet!...