In the heat of last July, three students from TRCA’s Boyd Archaeological Field School made an unexpected discovery during excavations at the...
In the heat of last July, three students from TRCA’s Boyd Archaeological Field School made an unexpected discovery during excavations at the Sébastien Site. While screening soil for artifacts, they spotted a distinctive and unusual shape: a fishing hook, they quickly realized — one made from native copper. It’s the first fishing hook ever...
In the heat of last July, three students from TRCA’s Boyd Archaeological Field School made an unexpected discovery during excavations at the Sébastien Site. While screening soil for artifacts, they spotted a distinctive and unusual shape: a fishing hook, they quickly realized — one made from native copper. It’s the first fishing hook ever...
It’s July 28, 2017 — happy Day of Archaeology! In this annual online event, people around the world who work, study or volunteer in...
It’s July 28, 2017 — happy Day of Archaeology! In this...
It’s July 28, 2017 — happy Day of Archaeology! In this annual online event, people around the world who work, study or volunteer in archaeology contribute blog posts, all compiled here. The idea is to offer a glimpse into the daily lives...