TRCA’s Planning Desk is now open for in-person Planning and Permits enquiries at 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto. We recommend that you book a consultation with our planning staff in advance by phone.
Spring is here, and with it comes the bird migration season – a highly anticipated natural event for bird watchers and nature enthusiasts. The...
Spring is here, and with it comes the bird migration season – a highly anticipated natural event for bird watchers and nature enthusiasts. The 2024 Spring Bird Festival, hosted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) at Tommy Thompson Park on Saturday, May 11, offered a great opportunity to witness this spectacle. This year,...
Spring is here, and with it comes the bird migration season – a highly anticipated natural event for bird watchers and nature enthusiasts. The 2024 Spring Bird Festival, hosted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) at Tommy Thompson Park on Saturday, May 11, offered a great opportunity to witness this spectacle. This year,...
Birds play an essential role in our ecosystem. They also share their songs, fly high above, and serenely swim in our waters. With more than 18,000...
Birds play an essential role in our ecosystem. They also share their...
Birds play an essential role in our ecosystem. They also share their songs, fly high above, and serenely swim in our waters. With more than 18,000 hectares of land under its care, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) provides access to...