Aug. 10, 2018, Toronto, ON – On August 7, 2018, a slow-moving tropical rainstorm formed over portions of North York and moved slowly south...
Aug. 10, 2018, Toronto, ON – On August 7, 2018, a slow-moving tropical rainstorm formed over portions of North York and moved slowly south across downtown Toronto. This very localized storm inundated the Black Creek watershed and western parts of the Don River and caused flooding in low-lying areas. At this morning’s Executive Committee...
Aug. 10, 2018, Toronto, ON – On August 7, 2018, a slow-moving tropical rainstorm formed over portions of North York and moved slowly south across downtown Toronto. This very localized storm inundated the Black Creek watershed and western parts of the Don River and caused flooding in low-lying areas. At this morning’s Executive Committee...