TRCA’s Planning Desk is now open for in-person Planning and Permits enquiries at 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto. We recommend that you book a consultation with our planning staff in advance by phone.
April 11, 2022 – Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, City of Toronto, Town of Ajax, and Ontario Nature are pleased to announce that 950...
April 11, 2022 – Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, City of Toronto, Town of Ajax, and Ontario Nature are pleased to announce that 950 hectares of lands within these municipalities now qualify as Protected Areas in contributing to Canada’s target to protect 25 percent of lands and waters by 2025. These sites are jointly...
April 11, 2022 – Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, City of Toronto, Town of Ajax, and Ontario Nature are pleased to announce that 950 hectares of lands within these municipalities now qualify as Protected Areas in contributing to Canada’s target to protect 25 percent of lands and waters by 2025. These sites are jointly...
Spotting Salmon in Toronto and Region Help Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) monitoring team find migrating Salmon in regional...
Spotting Salmon in Toronto and Region Help Toronto and Region...
Spotting Salmon in Toronto and Region Help Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) monitoring team find migrating Salmon in regional streams and rivers! You can use our interactive story map to find the best places to spot Salmon...