The TRCA Archaeology team recently held a professional development day, also known as the “Seed Barker Blitz,” to highlight one of our...
The TRCA Archaeology team recently held a professional development day, also known as the “Seed Barker Blitz,” to highlight one of our legacy sites. The Seed Barker site, dating from ca. 1530-1570, is a Late Ontario Iroquoian village. While the team was reorganizing faunal remains from the site, a number of vials containing avian...
The TRCA Archaeology team recently held a professional development day, also known as the “Seed Barker Blitz,” to highlight one of our legacy sites. The Seed Barker site, dating from ca. 1530-1570, is a Late Ontario Iroquoian village. While the team was reorganizing faunal remains from the site, a number of vials containing avian...