The TRCA Archaeology team recently held a professional development day, also known as the “Seed Barker Blitz,” to highlight one of our...
The TRCA Archaeology team recently held a professional development day, also known as the “Seed Barker Blitz,” to highlight one of our legacy sites. The Seed Barker site, dating from ca. 1530-1570, is a Late Ontario Iroquoian village. While the team was reorganizing faunal remains from the site, a number of vials containing avian...
The TRCA Archaeology team recently held a professional development day, also known as the “Seed Barker Blitz,” to highlight one of our legacy sites. The Seed Barker site, dating from ca. 1530-1570, is a Late Ontario Iroquoian village. While the team was reorganizing faunal remains from the site, a number of vials containing avian...
With the recent news of asylum seekers crossing the border into Canada, we are reminded that Canadians have a long history of accepting people...
With the recent news of asylum seekers crossing the border into...
With the recent news of asylum seekers crossing the border into Canada, we are reminded that Canadians have a long history of accepting people seeking refuge. Between 1840 and 1860 runaway slaves from America also crossed over the border looking for...