This Sunday marks the 63rd anniversary of the devastation Hurricane Hazel brought to the Toronto region. In Hazel’s aftermath, the Metro...
This Sunday marks the 63rd anniversary of the devastation Hurricane Hazel brought to the Toronto region. In Hazel’s aftermath, the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (MTRCA) would implement a plan to mitigate future damages to human life and infrastructure, and bring about a major change to the landscape. In those days, a small,...
This Sunday marks the 63rd anniversary of the devastation Hurricane Hazel brought to the Toronto region. In Hazel’s aftermath, the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (MTRCA) would implement a plan to mitigate future damages to human life and infrastructure, and bring about a major change to the landscape. In those days, a small,...
Planning a nature walk this weekend through one of the GTA’s many green spaces? Take a moment while you’re at it to ponder the history...
Planning a nature walk this weekend through one of the GTA’s...
Planning a nature walk this weekend through one of the GTA’s many green spaces? Take a moment while you’re at it to ponder the history beneath your feet. Before the first settlers arrived here — long centuries before there were...