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Project Update: Detailed Design – December 21, 2023

Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail Project – Currently at the 90% Design Phase

The Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail Project involves the design and construction of a 3.0 to 5.1 metre wide paved and illuminated trail along the east side of Brimley Road South, starting at Barkdene Hills and ending at Bluffers Park Road.

Through 2023, the project team revised the design to incorporate comments from the local community and, following these modifications, is targeting the 90% detailed design milestone by January of 2024.

The project team is currently working to acquire various permits and approvals to advance construction, which is tentatively scheduled to commence in late 2024.

Please note that the implementation plan will seek to balance impacts to Bluffer’s Park during the peak use season, and further updates will be provided in advance of construction start dates.

West Segment Shoreline and Multi-Use Trail Project – Currently at the 90% Design Phase

The West Segment Shoreline and Multi-Use Trail Project is scheduled to achieve a 90% target by the end of 2023.

This project will include:

  • An expanded headland off both Bluffer’s Park and Meadowcliffe
  • A significantly larger sand beach
  • A paved, separated 5.8m wide recreational multi-use trail to accommodate both pedestrian and cyclist usage along the beach, along with a 4.0m wide pedestrian trail along the new Bluffer’s Park headland
  • Enhanced aquatic and terrestrial habitat

Construction of the West Segment Shoreline is currently unfunded. It is expected that implementation would follow the completion of the Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail, should funding be secured.

architectural rendering of completed West Segment shoreline multi-use trail

Public Engagement Phase

Between May and June 2023, a public engagement phase was launched to provide an opportunity for public comment on the proposed landscape design and future programming options at the 60% design phase.

This included a virtual public open house, a self-guided information walk at Bluffer’s Park, and an in-person pop-up event.

Comments received on various topics have been reviewed by the project team and incorporated into the detailed design, where feasible.


Project on hold while public comments were addressed – 2022
Project Update: Detailed Design – November 22, 2021

Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail Project – Currently at the 60% Design Phase

The Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail Project involves the design and construction of a 3.6 metre (m) to 4.1m wide paved and illuminated trail along the east side of Brimley Road South, starting at Barkdene Hills.

Throughout the detailed design refinements and review, it was determined that the design of the multi-use trail with a fully curbed shoulder and no swale on the east side of Brimley Road South would best permit an unobstructed clearance area for required trail lighting and maximize space for trail users, while reducing the impact on the natural environment to the extent possible.

A shared cycling lane with southbound vehicular traffic will also be integrated as part of the design for downhill cyclists.

Select the image below to view the full-sized design drawing.

architectural design drawing for Brimley Road South Multi-use Trail project

As identified during the EA, Brimley Road South sits on and adjacent to an old landfill and the potential to encounter and manage old waste materials must also be considered.

Construction timing will continue to be refined as the detailed design progresses. Implementation phasing will seek to balance access to Bluffer’s Park during the peak use season with minimizing construction related effects such as noise and dust on area residents.

West Segment Shoreline and Multi-Use Trail Project – Currently at the 30% Design Phase

The West Segment Shoreline and Multi-Use Trail Project is currently moving through the draft 30% design phase. The design will include:

  • An expanded headland off of both Bluffer’s Park and Meadowcliffe
  • A significantly larger sand beach
  • A paved, separated 3.6m wide recreational multi-use trail to accommodate both pedestrian and cyclist usage along the shoreline, along with a 2.1m wide pedestrian trail along the new Bluffer’s Park headland
  • Enhanced aquatic and terrestrial habitat
  • Enhanced fish habitat

At this stage, physical modelling work is being undertaken to confirm and optimize the shoreline design developed through the EA process.

Select the image below to view the full-sized shoreline design.

map of Scarborough Waterfront Project west segement

This includes the construction of scaled models of the proposed headland, groyne and berm features, which are then put to the test through wave simulations mimicking Lake Ontario storm events.

This work is being completed in partnership with the National Research Council of Canada’s Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering Research Centre in Ottawa.

Scarborough Waterfront Project - West Segment Shoreline and Multi-Use Trail Project
Scaled model of the expanded Bluffer’s Park Headland. Photo courtesy of NRC-OCRE.
Scarborough Waterfront Project - West Segment Shoreline and Multi-Use Trail Project
Headland model undergoing wave simulation testing. Photo courtesy of NRC-OCRE

To date, modelling work for the expanded Bluffer’s Park headland design has been completed, with the east end of the expanded sand beach, interim groyne and new Meadowcliffe headland scaled models anticipated to be constructed and tested by the end of 2021.

At present, the construction of the West Segment Shoreline is unfunded. It is expected that construction would occur following the completion of the Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail, should funding be secured.

Project Update: Detailed Design – June 25, 2021

Detailed design works for the Scarborough Waterfront Project’s (SWP) West Segment were initiated in October 2020. The design will include:

  • Development of an at-grade multi-use trail along the east side of Brimley Road South, starting at Barkdene Hills and continuing into Bluffer’s Park
  • Expansion of the Bluffer’s Park and Meadowcliffe headlands
  • Extension of the Bluffer’s Park sand beach
  • Creation of a shoreline multi-use trail from Bluffer’s Park to Meadowcliffe (connecting to the SWP’s Central Segment)
map of Scarborough Waterfront Project west segement
Scarborough Waterfront Project West Segment. Select image above to view the full-sized map.

Since initiation of the detailed design phase in fall 2020, the focus to date has been the collection of necessary existing conditions data required to support refinement of the conceptual designs developed during the Environmental Assessment (EA) phase and further advance the design process.

A number of field surveys and investigations were completed between December 2020 and May 2021:

  • Topographic surveying
  • Tree inventorying
  • Bathymetric surveying
  • Geotechnical studies
  • Bat maternity roosting surveys
  • Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment

Design Status

The West Segment shoreline and multi-use trail (between the east side of Bluffer’s Park to Meadowcliffe) is currently undergoing the 30% design phase, while the Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail is progressing through the 60% design phase.

Due to the complex nature of the site, TRCA in continued partnership with the City of Toronto is exploring two sub-options for the Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail:

  • The first option (Option 1A) is most similar to the concept presented in the SWP EA; however, in order to meet the City’s multi-use trail guidelines to facilitate both pedestrian and cyclist usage, while also maintaining the existing roadside swale, a higher degree of slope cuts and retaining walls along the east side of the trail would be required.
  • Given the existing geotechnical conditions, and to minimize environmental impacts to the extent possible, a second option (Option 1B) is also being evaluated, which would see removal of the existing swale with a curbed trail for the full length. Option 1B would reduce the extent of slope cuts and necessary retaining walls, but additional challenges related to the location of underground utilities and infrastructure will need to be considered as this design option advances.
comparison of sub-options for the Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail
Comparison of sub-options for the Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail. Select image above to view the full-sized design snapshots.

Construction timelines for both the Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail and West Segment Shoreline and Multi-Use continue to be refined through the detailed design process.

Public Engagement

Stay tuned for information on the upcoming Public Open House events for both the Brimley Road South Multi-Use Trail and the SWP West Segment Shoreline and Multi-Use Trail in the coming months.

Project Update: Detailed Design – November 24, 2020

Since receiving approval for the Final Scarborough Waterfront Project Environmental Assessment from the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks on November 5, 2019, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has been preparing for the initiation of detailed design for the West Segment, to commence this Fall 2020.


No Public Access: Scarborough Bluffs – March 27, 2020

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is warning of risks due to landslides along the Scarborough Bluffs.


SWP EA Receives Final Approval – November 14, 2019

The Scarborough Bluffs, an iconic natural wonder located at the doorstep of Canada’s largest city, will soon be more accessible than ever for the enjoyment of the public.

Following a public consultation process, approval by the City of Toronto Council and review by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, the environmental assessment for the Scarborough Waterfront Project has received final approval from the Honourable Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.


Hazardous Conditions at Scarborough Bluffs – May 10, 2018

Landslides along the Scarborough Bluffs occur every year, all year long. The bluff erosion along this section of shoreline is a result of surface water flowing over the bluff edge, groundwater moving through the bluff face and wave action at the bottom of the bluff pulling material away, causing slumping.


Safety Message: Limited Access to Scarborough Bluffs – August 17, 2017

While officials continue to monitor the stability of the Scarborough Bluffs, it has been determined that the factors creating enhanced risk to public safety have settled.


July 28 TRCA Authority Meeting Update – August 11, 2017

On Friday, July 28, 2017, the Scarborough Waterfront Project went to the Authority. It received endorsement of the Refined Preferred Alternative and was approved to proceed to City of Toronto Council for approval to submit the final Environmental Assessment Report to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.


SWP Goes to TRCA Authority July 28 – July 7, 2017

The Scarborough Waterfront Project will be going to the Authority on Friday, July 28.


Getting to Know the The West Segment – March 2, 2017

The West Segment of the Scarborough Waterfront Project stretches between Bluffer’s Park and the Meadowcliffe shoreline, and includes Bluffer’s Park sand beach and the shoreline below Cudia Park.


Surveying Species and Spaces – August 4, 2016

Collecting baseline data is the foundation for sound decision-making aimed at protecting and enhancing the natural spaces and species in Toronto and region. The Scarborough Waterfront Project is an excellent case in point.


Scarborough Waterfront Project Update – July 28, 2016

The Scarborough Waterfront Project aims to add to Toronto’s gem of greenspaces by providing safe access along the Scarborough waterfront. Specifically, the project aims to create an 11 km trail system from Bluffer’s Park to East Point Park.


Protecting and Preserving a Natural Wonder – May 27, 2016

The Scarborough Waterfront Project, undertaken by TRCA, will strike a balance between offering improved access to the Bluffs, while making it safer for the public to do so. It’s aim as well, is to protect the natural heritage of the Bluffs including both the unique flora and fauna of the area.



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We invite you to contact our project staff with comments, questions and feedback. Public engagement opportunities will be advertised on the project website.