Southern Ontario Stream Monitoring & Research Team

The Ontario Stream Monitoring and Research Team (SMART) networks provide a forum for exchange of ideas, data and science about flowing waters. Collectively the data and the science generated from the meetings are invaluable.

TRCA Environmental Monitoring SOSMART stream water quality

SMART Networks

Many agencies, researchers and private citizens are engaged in collecting data on flowing waters. Thousands of site visits are carried out annually to evaluate the biophysical properties of streams and rivers using techniques that vary from being informal to in-depth.

The Ontario Stream Monitoring and Research Team (SMART) networks bring together these stakeholders to:

  • further the science and understanding of watershed processes and influences,
  • develop decision support tools,
  • influence policy direction, and
  • facilitate training and transfer of scientific knowledge.

The benefit of the network approach is that the results obtained are better than any agency can provide on their own. Through networking, decision-makers can access the best information and science possible about flowing waters in Ontario to ensure appropriate management actions are taken. Additionally, new science and management tools can be created to ensure the data is collected, managed, and shared more effectively in the future.


The Southern Ontario Stream Monitoring and Research Team (SOSMART), formerly known as the Lake Ontario Modeling Team (LOMT), is a coalition of partners from along the north shore of Lake Ontario.  The types of partners, past and current, include:

  • Conservation Authorities
  • Academia
  • Municipalities
  • Provincial agencies
  • Federal agencies
  • Non-governmental organizations

For a listing of the current SOSMART membership, please refer to the General Documents.

General Documents

Research Papers

Monitoring Protocols

SOSMART Biannual Meetings

You can browse all documents from the SOSMART Network meetings HERE.