Looking for winter fun and activities in the Greater Toronto Area? Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has options for everyone! Whether you’re seeking outdoor adventures, family-friendly events, educational workshops and courses, or a peaceful retreat to reconnect with nature, TRCA has you covered. Browse through our winter offerings below, and let the adventure begin.... Read more
FREE EVENT Greet the holiday season by making a special gift for winter birds. Learn about common backyard birds and the native species that endure and thrive through the winter season. We will also learn how to make a pinecone feeder. REGISTER NOW. This event is intended for Ages 6+: Beginner level information Activities and... Read more
This September, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) offers everyone across the GTA the chance to attend exciting events, learn from hands-on workshops, and participate in engaging volunteer opportunities. Much of our programming is completely free and family-friendly, making it easier than ever to reconnect with nature in the Toronto region. FREE EVENTS TRCA Adventures... Read more
Every year in May, Tommy Thompson Park (TTP) hosts hundreds of visitors to the annual Spring Bird Festival. As a part of the Toronto Bird Celebration, the festival attracts birdwatchers and nature lovers to explore the unique urban wilderness of TTP and witness a stunning variety of birds as they flutter through the trees and... Read more
Birds play an essential role in our ecosystem. They also share their songs, fly high above, and serenely swim in our waters. With more than 18,000 hectares of land under its care, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) provides access to some of the best bird-watching locations in the region. Whether you are a seasoned... Read more
April 13, 2023, Toronto, ON — April marks the return of many bird species to Ontario. It’s a spectacular time to see the array of birds that call Toronto and region home during the summer months, as our greenspaces bloom with colour and activity. As more people also return outdoors with the rise in temperature,... Read more
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) At Home With Nature activity sheets and homeschool resources are designed to help families deepen their knowledge of nature, ecology, the environment, and their place in it. Click here for online learning resources for Teachers and Schools. Homeschool Resources: For Families & Kids INDOOR NATURE WALK For Kids Only!... Read more
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) education programs are developed by Ontario Certified Teachers and are designed to engage and inspire, while making curriculum connections. Our outdoor, nature-based programs are delivered at TRCA Education Centres by Ontario Certified Teachers as well as skilled environmental educators and heritage professionals. From science to social studies, physical education... Read more
This article has been created from the TRCA Healthy Yards fact sheet and guide. What is a rain garden? A rain garden is a landscaped feature that replaces an area of your lawn in order to collect the stormwater (rain and melted snow) that runs off your grass, roof and driveway. This shallow depression has loose,... Read more